Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Wilkes Barre, PA 18702
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Wilkes Barre PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Apostolic Lighthouse United Pentecos | 570-822-3898 | 225 Jones St | Wilkes Barre | PA | 18702 |
Baha'i Faith | 570-822-2460 | 113 McLean St | Wilkes Barre | PA | 18702 |
Berean Baptist Church | 570-825-4334 | 260 Parrish St | Wilkes Barre | PA | 18702 |
Christian Assembly Church | 570-824-7683 | 195 E Northampton St | Wilkes Barre | PA | 18702 |
East End Primitive Methodist Churc | 570-825-9512 | 79 Laurel St | Wilkes Barre | PA | 18702 |
First Baptist Church of Wilkes Barre | 570-822-7482 | 48 S River St | Wilkes Barre | PA | 18702 |
First Church of Christ Parsonage | 570-823-6201 | 58 Dagobert St | Wilkes Barre | PA | 18702 |
Holy Cross Episcopal Church | 570-823-4436 | 373 N Main St | Wilkes Barre | PA | 18702 |
Holy Cross Rectory | 570-823-3025 | 23 Sheridan St | Wilkes Barre | PA | 18702 |
Holy Transfiguration Church Hall | 570-735-6020 | 240 Center St | Wilkes Barre | PA | 18702 |
House of Judah Ministries | 570-825-1960 | 225 Parrish St | Wilkes Barre | PA | 18702 |
House of Prayer Evangelistic Ch | 570-826-0327 | 280 High St | Wilkes Barre | PA | 18702 |
Meade Street Baptist Church | 570-820-8355 | 50 N Meade St | Wilkes Barre | PA | 18702 |
Messiah Primitive Methodist Churc | 570-823-3425 | Pittston Blvd | Wilkes Barre | PA | 18702 |
Mount Zion Baptist Church | 570-824-0146 | 105 Hill St | Wilkes Barre | PA | 18702 |
Parish Community Sacred Heart St Joseph | 570-823-0238 | 25 Oak St | Wilkes Barre | PA | 18702 |
Sisters of Mercy | 570-821-5718 | 178 New Elizabeth St | Wilkes Barre | PA | 18702 |
St Anthony's Maronite Church | 570-829-0575 | 311 Park Ave | Wilkes Barre | PA | 18702 |
St Christophers Church | 570-822-1186 | 54 Hillard St | Wilkes Barre | PA | 18702 |
St Clement & Peter Episcopal Churc | 570-822-8043 | 165 Hanover St | Wilkes Barre | PA | 18702 |
St John's Byzantine Rite Catholic C | 570-824-2527 | 756 E Northampton St | Wilkes Barre | PA | 18702 |
St Mark's Lutheran Church | 570-822-0892 | 56 S Hancock St | Wilkes Barre | PA | 18702 |
St Mary Antiochian Orthodox Church | 570-824-5016 | 905 S Main St | Wilkes Barre | PA | 18702 |
St Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church | 570-823-0905 | 58 Seneca St | Wilkes Barre | PA | 18702 |
Unity Church | 570-824-7722 | 140 S Grant St | Wilkes Barre | PA | 18702 |
Westminster Presbyterian Ch | 570-822-8977 | 2 Lockhart St | Wilkes Barre | PA | 18702 |
Wyoming Valley Council of Churches | 570-825-8543 | 70 Lockhart St | Wilkes Barre | PA | 18702 |
Wyoming Valley Southern Baptist Church | 570-829-1714 | 233 N River St | Wilkes Barre | PA | 18702 |
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