Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Furniture in Wilkes Barre, PA 18702
* Each listing below of Furniture Information for Wilkes Barre PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
America's Mattress | 570-970-0880 | 2254 Wilkes Barre Townshi | Wilkes Barre | PA | 18702 |
Ashley Furniture Home Store | 570-823-1900 | 251 Mundy St | Wilkes Barre | PA | 18702 |
Bedroom Warehouse Inc The | 570-823-0929 | 160 Mundy St | Wilkes Barre | PA | 18702 |
Carla's Creations | 570-270-3562 | 512 Blackman St | Wilkes Barre | PA | 18702 |
Efo Furniture Galleries | 570-823-2182 | 213 Mundy St | Wilkes Barre | PA | 18702 |
Grandpa's Workshop Woodcreations | 570-822-4093 | 330 Scott St | Wilkes Barre | PA | 18702 |
Kaplans | 570-823-6674 | Mundy St | Wilkes Barre | PA | 18702 |
La Z Boy Furniture Galleries | 570-208-4040 | 385 Wyoming Valley Mall | Wilkes Barre | PA | 18702 |
Lamp Factory Lighting Furniture | 570-826-1633 | 790 Kidder St | Wilkes Barre | PA | 18702 |
Pier 1 Imports | 570-829-3455 | 407 Arena Hub Plz | Wilkes Barre | PA | 18702 |
Raymour & Flanigan Furniture | 570-822-1578 | 53 Spring St | Wilkes Barre | PA | 18702 |
Resnick's Mattress Warehouse | 570-825-8800 | 779 Kidder St | Wilkes Barre | PA | 18702 |
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