Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Caterers in Williamsport, PA 17701
* Each listing below of Caterers Information for Williamsport PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
America's Grille Steakhouse | 570-327-8231 | 100 Pine St | Williamsport | PA | 17701 |
D & L Catering | 570-322-4141 | 2121 Lycoming Creek Rd | Williamsport | PA | 17701 |
Disalvo's | 570-327-1200 | 341 E 4th St | Williamsport | PA | 17701 |
Don Waltman's Meats & Deli | 570-322-0132 | 338 Court St | Williamsport | PA | 17701 |
Ed's Market | 570-322-8803 | 1200 Franklin St | Williamsport | PA | 17701 |
Genetti Hotel & Suites | 570-326-6600 | 200 W 4th St | Williamsport | PA | 17701 |
Heller's Family Restaurant | 570-322-8006 | 1941 Lycoming Creek Rd | Williamsport | PA | 17701 |
Keller's Newberry Diner | 570-320-0721 | 909 Arch St | Williamsport | PA | 17701 |
Mid-Town Sandwich Shop | 570-322-9026 | 618 Hepburn St | Williamsport | PA | 17701 |
Thirty-Three East | 570-322-1900 | 33 E 3rd St | Williamsport | PA | 17701 |
Tony's Delicatessen & Fresh Meats | 570-322-8329 | 508 Washington Blvd | Williamsport | PA | 17701 |
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