Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in East Stroudsburg, PA 18301
* Each listing below of Churches Information for East Stroudsburg PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Agape Christian Fellowship | 570-223-2475 | 9 Dartmoth Dr | East Stroudsburg | PA | 18301 |
East Stroudsburg Presbyterian Ch | 570-421-5821 | 55 Smith St | East Stroudsburg | PA | 18301 |
East Stroudsburg United Methodist Churc | 570-421-3280 | 83 S Courtland St | East Stroudsburg | PA | 18301 |
First Baptist Church | 570-421-7662 | N Courtland & E Broad | East Stroudsburg | PA | 18301 |
Grace Lutheran Church | 570-421-6511 | 25 Lackawanna Ave | East Stroudsburg | PA | 18301 |
Holy Trinity Eastern Orthodox Church | 570-421-4455 | Trinity Ct | East Stroudsburg | PA | 18301 |
Labor of Love USA | 570-476-9722 | 3218 N 5th St | East Stroudsburg | PA | 18301 |
Middle Smithfield Presby Church | 570-223-8648 | 5205 Milford Rd | East Stroudsburg | PA | 18301 |
St Paul's Lutheran Church | 570-223-9422 | Craigs Meadow Rd | East Stroudsburg | PA | 18301 |
Wooddale United Methodist Churc | 570-424-7490 | 100 Barren Rd | East Stroudsburg | PA | 18301 |
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