Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Counseling in Stroudsburg, PA 18360
* Each listing below of Counseling Information for Stroudsburg PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Beata Peck Little | 570-420-9348 | 523 Sarah St | Stroudsburg | PA | 18360 |
Carbon Monroe Pike Drug & Alcohol | 570-421-1960 | 724A Phillips St | Stroudsburg | PA | 18360 |
Catholic Social Service of Monroe Count | 570-476-6460 | 411 Main St | Stroudsburg | PA | 18360 |
Collins Collins & Tavormina | 570-424-5477 | 19 S 6th St | Stroudsburg | PA | 18360 |
Cuttitta Anthony R Lcsw | 570-420-9807 | 729 Sarah St | Stroudsburg | PA | 18360 |
Drug & Alcohol Commission Inc | 570-420-8297 | Carbon Monroe Pike | Stroudsburg | PA | 18360 |
Fact Program | 570-424-7032 | 564 Main St | Stroudsburg | PA | 18360 |
Family Treatment Associates | 570-424-6049 | 117 Broad St | Stroudsburg | PA | 18360 |
Shanley Diana B Ms | 570-421-6370 | 525 Sarah St | Stroudsburg | PA | 18360 |
Women's Resources of Monroe County I | 570-476-5100 | 28 N 7th St | Stroudsburg | PA | 18360 |
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