Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Dentists in Stroudsburg, PA 18360
* Each listing below of Dentists Information for Stroudsburg PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Aesthetic & Implant Dentistry | 570-426-1868 | 7400 Route 611 | Stroudsburg | PA | 18360 |
Aspendental | 570-424-6005 | 1112 N 9th St | Stroudsburg | PA | 18360 |
Bowers James R | 570-424-8346 | 908 Main St | Stroudsburg | PA | 18360 |
Defranco Vincent Dds | 570-421-0433 | 35 Club Ct | Stroudsburg | PA | 18360 |
Dunlop Bruce | 570-421-4748 | 31 N 7th St | Stroudsburg | PA | 18360 |
Esposito Michael A Dds | 570-421-0431 | 890 Wallace St | Stroudsburg | PA | 18360 |
Fox David G | 570-421-2320 | 606 Ann St | Stroudsburg | PA | 18360 |
Fox David G Dentist | 570-424-8771 | RR 5 | Stroudsburg | PA | 18360 |
Goldrich Hillard Dmd | 570-420-0151 | 1730 W Main St | Stroudsburg | PA | 18360 |
Gonsky Michael E Dds | 570-421-3443 | 1029 Fairview Ave | Stroudsburg | PA | 18360 |
Helfst Thomas E Dds | 570-420-8180 | 400 Stroud Building | Stroudsburg | PA | 18360 |
Magann Family Dentistry | 570-421-3700 | 28 N 6th St | Stroudsburg | PA | 18360 |
Magann W Edmund Jr Dds | 570-421-3751 | 100A Stroud Building | Stroudsburg | PA | 18360 |
Nolf Randy R Dds | 570-420-1500 | 100 Pioneer Ln | Stroudsburg | PA | 18360 |
Starner Robert J | 570-421-1000 | 1306 N 5th St | Stroudsburg | PA | 18360 |
Thomas Kilareski Ms Dmd | 570-421-0383 | 134 Washington E | Stroudsburg | PA | 18360 |
Warner Jeffrey S Dmd | 570-420-9332 | 828 Monroe St | Stroudsburg | PA | 18360 |
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