Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Government Offices in Stroudsburg, PA 18360
* Each listing below of Government Offices Information for Stroudsburg PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Jackson Township of | 570-629-0153 | Municipal Bldg | Stroudsburg | PA | 18360 |
Jorden Edward J Tax Collector | 570-424-5661 | 511 N 5th St | Stroudsburg | PA | 18360 |
Monroe County of | 570-517-3009 | 7th & Monroe | Stroudsburg | PA | 18360 |
Monroe County of | 570-992-4113 | 100 Gypsum Rd | Stroudsburg | PA | 18360 |
Monroe County of | 570-421-2871 | Manor Dr | Stroudsburg | PA | 18360 |
Monroe County of | 570-517-3892 | 38 N 7th St | Stroudsburg | PA | 18360 |
Monroe County of | 570-420-1900 | 720 Phillips St | Stroudsburg | PA | 18360 |
Monroe County of | 570-420-3500 | 1 Quaker Plz | Stroudsburg | PA | 18360 |
Monroe County Offices | 570-517-3042 | 7th Monroe | Stroudsburg | PA | 18360 |
Monroe County Offices | 570-420-3735 | 7th St | Stroudsburg | PA | 18360 |
Monroe County Offices | 570-420-3650 | 7th Sts | Stroudsburg | PA | 18360 |
Monroe County Offices | 570-517-3953 | 458 Oakwood Ave | Stroudsburg | PA | 18360 |
Monroe County Offices | 570-421-2901 | 724 Phillips St Ste B | Stroudsburg | PA | 18360 |
Monroe County Offices | 570-421-3669 | 724 Phillips St | Stroudsburg | PA | 18360 |
Monroe County Yap | 570-422-6300 | 33 Stokes Ave | Stroudsburg | PA | 18360 |
Smithfield Township of | 570-223-9627 | Twin Falls Rd | Stroudsburg | PA | 18360 |
Stroud Township of | 570-421-6120 | Fifth St | Stroudsburg | PA | 18360 |
Stroud Township of | 570-421-3362 | 1211 N 5th St | Stroudsburg | PA | 18360 |
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