Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Auto Repair in Jenkintown, PA 19046
* Each listing below of Auto Repair Information for Jenkintown PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abington Auto Care | 215-884-9339 | 1929 Fairview Rd | Jenkintown | PA | 19046 |
Apsche Charles Auto Repair | 215-379-9957 | 818 Huntingdon Pike | Jenkintown | PA | 19046 |
Auto Star Collision Center | 215-886-1680 | 900 Old York Rd | Jenkintown | PA | 19046 |
Bauer's Auto Repair | 215-576-7765 | 214 Leedom St | Jenkintown | PA | 19046 |
Benson East Garage | 215-886-1441 | Twnshp Line & York R | Jenkintown | PA | 19046 |
Bergey's Tire & Service Center | 215-886-4900 | 1424 York Rd | Jenkintown | PA | 19046 |
Bob's Foreign Auto Repair | 215-663-1343 | 801 Huntingdon Pike | Jenkintown | PA | 19046 |
Bryner Chevrolet Inc | 215-549-3140 | 140 York Rd | Jenkintown | PA | 19046 |
Crawf's Collision | 215-379-3330 | 819 Huntingdon Pike | Jenkintown | PA | 19046 |
Creveling's Auto Specialties | 215-379-2265 | 17 S Penn Ave Rear | Jenkintown | PA | 19046 |
Fairway Automative Group Inc | 215-881-9231 | 1750 The Fairway | Jenkintown | PA | 19046 |
Hillside Auto Service | 215-884-3930 | 500 Hillside Ave | Jenkintown | PA | 19046 |
Hopkins Ford Inc | 215-886-5900 | The Fairway | Jenkintown | PA | 19046 |
Huntingdon Valley Auto Body Inc | 215-379-8087 | 612 Huntingdon Pike | Jenkintown | PA | 19046 |
Lee's Automotive Service | 215-379-2766 | 701 Huntingdon Pike | Jenkintown | PA | 19046 |
Marty Sussman Lincoln Mercury | 215-884-3400 | Old York Rd | Jenkintown | PA | 19046 |
Montgomerys Service Center | 215-885-1122 | Wharton & Baeder Rds | Jenkintown | PA | 19046 |
Otto & Ron's Mobil Service Center | 215-884-9437 | Jenkintown & Baeder | Jenkintown | PA | 19046 |
Otto & Ron's Mobil Service Center | 215-885-3163 | 1920 Jenkintown Rd | Jenkintown | PA | 19046 |
Tec-One Foreign Motors | 215-576-8080 | 439 Leedom St | Jenkintown | PA | 19046 |
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