Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Easton, PA 18045
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Easton PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethel Memorial Baptist Church | 610-253-2565 | 715 Chestnut Ln | Easton | PA | 18045 |
Child Evangelism Fellowship | 610-258-0909 | 2933 Washington St | Easton | PA | 18045 |
Covenant Orthodox Presbyterian Ch | 610-253-2272 | 531 Milford St | Easton | PA | 18045 |
Fellowship Baptist Church | 610-559-1009 | 3508 Greenway St | Easton | PA | 18045 |
First Baptist Church of Easton | 610-253-8532 | 177 N Greenwood Ave | Easton | PA | 18045 |
Franciscan Friars | 610-258-3053 | 3918 Chipman Rd | Easton | PA | 18045 |
My Sister My Friend Ministries | 610-250-0121 | 4810 Henry St | Easton | PA | 18045 |
Rock Church of Easton | 610-250-8794 | 5 5th Ave | Easton | PA | 18045 |
St Jane Frances Dechantal Churc | 610-253-7794 | 4049 Hartley Ave | Easton | PA | 18045 |
St John's Lutheran Church of Farme | 610-866-9882 | 8065 William Penn Hwy | Easton | PA | 18045 |
St Paul's Third Lutheran Church | 610-258-0875 | 2561 Newburg Rd | Easton | PA | 18045 |
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