Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Easton, PA 18045
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Easton PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Applebee's To Go | 610-923-7610 | 3702 Easton Nazareth Hwy | Easton | PA | 18045 |
Blimpies | 610-923-7879 | 2425 Nazareth Rd | Easton | PA | 18045 |
Buffalo Construction | 610-515-0225 | 4463 Southmont Way | Easton | PA | 18045 |
Century Buffet | 610-252-0840 | 3725 Nicholas St | Easton | PA | 18045 |
Chrissy's Steak Shop | 610-253-4033 | 3063 William Penn Hwy | Easton | PA | 18045 |
Don Pablos Mexican Kitchen | 610-923-9311 | 80 Kunkle Dr | Easton | PA | 18045 |
Fat Jacks' | 610-250-7849 | 2722 Freemansburg Ave | Easton | PA | 18045 |
Garden Buffet | 610-258-6668 | 3758 Easton Nazareth Hwy | Easton | PA | 18045 |
Jackcreek Steakhouse & Cantina | 610-923-0374 | 3701 Easton Nazareth Hwy | Easton | PA | 18045 |
Lone Star Steakhouse & Saloon | 610-252-1180 | 20 Kunkle Dr | Easton | PA | 18045 |
Marblehead Grille & Chowder House | 610-258-4301 | 4101 William Penn Hwy | Easton | PA | 18045 |
McDonald's Family Restaurant | 610-559-8962 | 3708 Easton Nazareth Hwy | Easton | PA | 18045 |
Olive Garden Italian Restaurant | 610-515-1722 | 50 Kunkle Dr | Easton | PA | 18045 |
Palmer Diner | 610-252-0164 | 2913 Old Nazareth Rd | Easton | PA | 18045 |
Panera Bread | 610-253-4340 | 4442 Southmont Way | Easton | PA | 18045 |
Parkway Diner The | 610-252-8482 | 2928 Old Nazareth Rd | Easton | PA | 18045 |
Red Robin Restaurant | 610-515-1111 | 3716 Easton Nazareth Hwy | Easton | PA | 18045 |
Stefarry's | 610-252-1500 | 4080 William Penn Hwy | Easton | PA | 18045 |
Subway | 610-250-7827 | 114 Palmer Park Mall | Easton | PA | 18045 |
T G I Friday's | 610-923-7855 | 4402 Southmont Way | Easton | PA | 18045 |
Tic Toc Family Restaurant | 610-252-6466 | 2510 Northampton St | Easton | PA | 18045 |
Williams Restaurant | 610-253-8281 | 3630 William Penn Hwy | Easton | PA | 18045 |
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