Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Philadelphia, PA 19132
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Philadelphia PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Agape Tabernacle Household of Fa | 215-228-2779 | 1500 W Allegheny Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19132 |
Berean Baptist Church | 215-229-8048 | 2344 W Allegheny Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19132 |
Bethlehem Baptist Church | 215-229-5476 | 3151 W Dakota St | Philadelphia | PA | 19132 |
Calvary Fellowship | 215-221-6174 | 1526 W Cumberland St | Philadelphia | PA | 19132 |
Cathedral of Faith The | 215-226-1434 | 1800 W Cambria St | Philadelphia | PA | 19132 |
Chosen Vessels Restoration Cen | 215-228-1702 | 1729 W Huntingdon St | Philadelphia | PA | 19132 |
Christlike P G Faith Baptist Church | 215-221-9341 | 2901 N 25th St | Philadelphia | PA | 19132 |
City Temple Baptist Church | 215-223-4868 | 2512 N Broad St | Philadelphia | PA | 19132 |
Commandment Keepers the House of God | 215-228-4285 | 1903 W Allegheny Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19132 |
Cross Roads Missionary Baptist Church | 215-223-3992 | 2219 W Allegheny Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19132 |
Cross Tabernacle Baptist Church | 215-227-4245 | 2515 W Huntingdon St | Philadelphia | PA | 19132 |
Deliverance Evangelistic Ch | 215-226-7600 | 2001 W Lehigh Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19132 |
Endtime Church of Jesus Christ | 215-228-6407 | 2466 N Opal St | Philadelphia | PA | 19132 |
Faith Tabernacle Baptist Church | 215-227-3222 | 2829 W Cumberland St | Philadelphia | PA | 19132 |
Faithful Temple Baptist Church | 215-227-7544 | 3416 W Allegheny Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19132 |
First John Baptist Church | 215-225-2540 | 1534 W Cumberland St | Philadelphia | PA | 19132 |
First Schwenkfelder Church | 215-229-3608 | 2509 N 30th St | Philadelphia | PA | 19132 |
Foster Memorial Baptist Church | 215-223-2628 | 2401 N 18th St | Philadelphia | PA | 19132 |
Gethsemane F B H Church of God | 215-223-1552 | 2629 W York St | Philadelphia | PA | 19132 |
Greater Righteous Temple Baptist | 215-978-6060 | 2522 W Dauphin St | Philadelphia | PA | 19132 |
Hem of His Garment | 215-225-2757 | 2317 N Broad St | Philadelphia | PA | 19132 |
Israeli Church Upk Phila Division | 215-765-2010 | 2253 N 33rd St | Philadelphia | PA | 19132 |
James Spring Memorial Baptist Church | 215-227-4214 | 1845 W Huntingdon St | Philadelphia | PA | 19132 |
Jones Memorial Baptist | 215-228-1300 | 1937 W Dauphin St | Philadelphia | PA | 19132 |
Jubilee Commandment Keepers Church | 215-223-7180 | 2440 N 15th St | Philadelphia | PA | 19132 |
Love Zion Baptist Church | 215-229-1122 | 2521 N 23rd St | Philadelphia | PA | 19132 |
Majestic Temple Baptist Church Inc The | 215-223-5515 | 2644 N 22nd St | Philadelphia | PA | 19132 |
Mediator Lutheran Church | 215-226-0167 | 2832 N 28th St | Philadelphia | PA | 19132 |
Moore's Memorial Baptist | 215-229-4304 | 1421 W Dauphin St | Philadelphia | PA | 19132 |
Mt Sinai Tabernacle | 215-223-7152 | 2737 W Lehigh Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19132 |
Mt Sinai Tabernacle Annex | 215-227-5517 | 2746 W Sterner St | Philadelphia | PA | 19132 |
New Birth Progressive Primitive Bapti | 215-225-1512 | 2118 W Clearfield St | Philadelphia | PA | 19132 |
New Joy Missionary Baptist Church | 215-225-9005 | 2314 W Allegheny Ave # 16 | Philadelphia | PA | 19132 |
New Pond Baptist Church | 215-226-0411 | 3224 W York St # 26 | Philadelphia | PA | 19132 |
New Psalmist Baptist Church | 215-223-3955 | 2301 N Carlisle St | Philadelphia | PA | 19132 |
North Penn Baptist Church | 215-228-5822 | 2419 N 27th St # 23 | Philadelphia | PA | 19132 |
North Penn Baptist Church | 215-228-2726 | 2423 N 27th St | Philadelphia | PA | 19132 |
Northwest Independent Baptist Church | 215-221-1221 | 2515 N 26th St | Philadelphia | PA | 19132 |
Oak Grove Baptist Church | 215-225-9644 | 2853 N 21st St | Philadelphia | PA | 19132 |
Pine Hill Primitive Baptist Church | 215-223-3649 | 1323 W Lehigh Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19132 |
Prince of Peace Baptist Church | 215-223-4545 | 2244 W Allegheny Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19132 |
Redeem Baptist Church | 215-227-4574 | 2339 N 31st St | Philadelphia | PA | 19132 |
Revalation Church of Christ | 215-221-9587 | 3037 N 22nd St | Philadelphia | PA | 19132 |
Saint Andrews Fellowship Bapt | 215-223-5487 | 3933 Ridge Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19132 |
Saint James Community Baptist Church | 215-228-8590 | 2613 W Lehigh Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19132 |
Saint James the Less Church Rectory | 215-229-5767 | 3227 W Clearfield St | Philadelphia | PA | 19132 |
Sanctuary Baptist Church | 215-225-0407 | 3017 W York St | Philadelphia | PA | 19132 |
Sisters of St Joseph Convent | 215-229-0769 | 2320 W Lehigh Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19132 |
St Martin Deporres Center | 215-225-2127 | 2340 W Lehigh Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19132 |
Thankful Baptist Church | 215-229-5024 | 1608 W Allegheny Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19132 |
Trinity A M E Church | 215-229-1652 | 2500 N 27th St | Philadelphia | PA | 19132 |
Victory Memorial Baptist Church | 215-684-0787 | 2214 N 29th St | Philadelphia | PA | 19132 |
Zion Tabernacle Baptist Church | 215-225-6580 | 2422 W York St | Philadelphia | PA | 19132 |
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