Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Philadelphia, PA 19133
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Philadelphia PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Alcanae Victoria | 215-291-2883 | 2838 N Front St | Philadelphia | PA | 19133 |
Apostolic Church of God | 215-291-8313 | 170 W Cumberland St | Philadelphia | PA | 19133 |
Bible Tabernacle Baptist Church | 215-228-2945 | 2555 Germantown Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19133 |
Childrens Mission Inc | 215-236-9930 | 2200 Germantown Ave # 8 | Philadelphia | PA | 19133 |
Church of God of the Seventh Day | 215-684-2770 | 576 W Dauphin St | Philadelphia | PA | 19133 |
Davis Temple Baptist Church | 215-235-1041 | 2261 N Franklin St | Philadelphia | PA | 19133 |
Eagle Rock Baptist Church | 215-765-2011 | 2222 N 10th St | Philadelphia | PA | 19133 |
Ebenezer Baptist Church | 215-235-8078 | 2259 N 10th St | Philadelphia | PA | 19133 |
El Bethel Pentecostal Church of Faith | 215-225-3582 | 2524 N 12th St | Philadelphia | PA | 19133 |
Evening Light Apostolic Church | 215-765-2035 | 2255 Germantown Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19133 |
Fathers House of Prayer Mission | 215-225-3530 | 3040 Germantown Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19133 |
First Spanish Baptist Church | 215-634-5310 | 2344 N Hancock St | Philadelphia | PA | 19133 |
Full Gospel Baptist Church Ministri | 215-228-5260 | 3131 N Camac St | Philadelphia | PA | 19133 |
God's Outreach Ministry | 267-514-1858 | 2201 N 11th St | Philadelphia | PA | 19133 |
Greater Mt Vernon Baptist Church | 215-225-7035 | 1117 W Lehigh Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19133 |
Greater St Thomas Baptist Church | 215-226-1158 | 3020 Germantown Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19133 |
Holy Redeemed Baptist Church | 215-221-1015 | 2849 Germantown Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19133 |
House of Refuge Church | 215-221-5669 | 2750 Germantown Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19133 |
King Solomon Baptist Church | 215-763-9017 | 2318 Germantown Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19133 |
Koinonia Fellowship Hall | 215-227-3058 | 1101 W Allegheny Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19133 |
Mars Hill Baptist Church | 215-223-6674 | 2652 N 9th St | Philadelphia | PA | 19133 |
Moorish Science Temple of America Inc | 215-203-8008 | 2259 N 5th St | Philadelphia | PA | 19133 |
Mount Calvery Baptist Church | 215-684-2337 | 1018 W York St | Philadelphia | PA | 19133 |
Mt Lebanon Missionary Baptist Church | 215-232-5329 | 1131 W Nevada St | Philadelphia | PA | 19133 |
Muslim Society of Delaware Valley | 215-634-1102 | 2209 N Front St | Philadelphia | PA | 19133 |
Neighborhood Baptist Church | 215-223-7488 | 1237 W William St | Philadelphia | PA | 19133 |
New Calvery Baptist Church | 215-423-0556 | 2431 N 5th St | Philadelphia | PA | 19133 |
North Providence Baptist Church | 215-225-9449 | 2909 N 8th St | Philadelphia | PA | 19133 |
Nueva Vida Behavioral Health Center I | 215-229-8857 | 616 W Lehigh Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19133 |
Rose of Sharon Apostolic Churc | 215-228-7008 | 1216 W Lehigh Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19133 |
Saint Mark Outreach Baptist Church | 215-223-1500 | 924 W Cambria St | Philadelphia | PA | 19133 |
St James Baptist Church | 215-228-2214 | 2912 Germantown Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19133 |
True Vine Baptist Church | 215-425-1942 | 521 W Lehigh Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19133 |
Union Temple Baptist Church | 215-739-4446 | 2610 N Howard St | Philadelphia | PA | 19133 |
Universal Hagar Spiritual Churc | 215-229-3543 | 2950 Germantown Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19133 |
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