Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Philadelphia, PA 19135
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Philadelphia PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Faith Tabernacle Congregation | 215-288-5637 | 5802 Keystone St | Philadelphia | PA | 19135 |
First Pentecostal Christian Churc | 215-624-5164 | 4716 Tyson Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19135 |
Gospel Faith Mission International T | 215-535-7820 | 4630 Van Kirk St | Philadelphia | PA | 19135 |
Logos Tephillah House | 215-333-1000 | 4800 Longshore Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19135 |
Maranatha Baptist Church | 215-338-9535 | 6911 Torresdale Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19135 |
Our Lady of Consolation Church Hall | 215-335-9931 | 7056 Tulip St | Philadelphia | PA | 19135 |
Saint Petri Evangelical Lutheran Church | 215-333-4103 | 6812 Jackson St | Philadelphia | PA | 19135 |
St Leo's | 215-331-4212 | 6658 Keystone St | Philadelphia | PA | 19135 |
St Stephen's United Church of Chris | 215-624-3262 | 4201 Princeton Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19135 |
Star of Hope Baptist Church | 215-332-8320 | 7137 Hegerman St | Philadelphia | PA | 19135 |
Star of Hope Hall | 215-333-2289 | 7212 Keystone St | Philadelphia | PA | 19135 |
Walter Erb Memorial Church | 215-624-5362 | 4610 Devereaux St | Philadelphia | PA | 19135 |
Wissinoming Bible Fellowship Chur | 215-743-3751 | 4414 Van Kirk St | Philadelphia | PA | 19135 |
Wissinoming United Methodist Churc | 215-289-5957 | 4419 Comly St | Philadelphia | PA | 19135 |
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