Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Philadelphia, PA 19124
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Philadelphia PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Amici's Restaurant | 215-533-7196 | 1150 E Erie Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19124 |
Beijing | 215-288-7518 | 909 E Cayuga St | Philadelphia | PA | 19124 |
Billy Doc's | 215-291-4442 | 840 E Lycoming St | Philadelphia | PA | 19124 |
Billy's Chili Pot | 215-744-2905 | 4738 Frankford Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19124 |
Checkers Drive in Restaurant | 215-537-8030 | 5427 Oxford Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19124 |
Churches Chicken | 215-535-1740 | 5253 Frankford Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19124 |
Continental Inn | 215-744-5790 | 5231 Frankford Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19124 |
Crown Fried Chicken | 215-743-7780 | 5133 Frankford Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19124 |
Denofa Steaks | 215-831-1446 | 1446 E Hunting Park Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19124 |
El Pailon Inc | 215-426-5547 | 3940 G St | Philadelphia | PA | 19124 |
Eli | 215-744-1340 | 4285 Frankford Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19124 |
Fine Garden Restaurant | 215-743-0665 | 4453 Frankford Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19124 |
Foo Kwai Inn | 215-289-1792 | 1724 Bridge St | Philadelphia | PA | 19124 |
Frankford Queen Restaurant | 215-533-1323 | 4465 Frankford Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19124 |
Golden Bridge | 215-535-3788 | 977 Bridge St | Philadelphia | PA | 19124 |
Golden Sword Diner | 215-739-1476 | 4210 Whitaker Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19124 |
Great City | 215-537-1517 | 5100 Frankford Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19124 |
International House of Pancakes | 215-744-7638 | 4310 Roosevelt Blvd | Philadelphia | PA | 19124 |
J Street Cafe | 215-743-5082 | 1069 E Erie Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19124 |
Jade Palace | 215-743-0822 | 736 Adams Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19124 |
Kfc | 215-533-1110 | 716 Adams Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19124 |
Kuk Il House | 215-744-2825 | 701 Adams Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19124 |
Kuntogeorgos Dimitrios | 215-533-8501 | 4850 Frankford Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19124 |
La Esmeralda Restaurant | 215-743-6355 | 4565 Torresdale Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19124 |
La Gusta Restaurante | 215-744-0171 | 901 E Cayuga St | Philadelphia | PA | 19124 |
Lin's Garden | 215-288-2218 | 1665 E Hunting Park Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19124 |
McDonald's Family Restaurant | 215-743-9427 | 710 Adams Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19124 |
McDonald's Family Restaurant | 215-288-0979 | 5219 Frankford Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19124 |
McDonald's Family Restaurant | 215-533-2095 | 5498 Oxford Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19124 |
New Ocean | 215-288-7871 | 1128 E Luzerne St | Philadelphia | PA | 19124 |
Pete's Clown House | 215-744-1350 | 3878 Frankford Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19124 |
Pho 75 Restaurant | 215-743-8845 | 823 Adams Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19124 |
Primos Sports Bar and Grill | 215-288-8441 | 1520 Arrott St | Philadelphia | PA | 19124 |
Summerwood Inc | 215-533-1024 | 3981 Kensington Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19124 |
Superb Garden | 215-288-4668 | 4953 Frankford Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19124 |
Tai Sing | 215-537-5592 | 4761 Griscom St | Philadelphia | PA | 19124 |
Tea Kheng You | 215-744-5899 | 1842 Fillmore St | Philadelphia | PA | 19124 |
Yee Garden | 215-288-2522 | 5361 Oxford Ave | Philadelphia | PA | 19124 |
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