Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Philadelphia, PA 19139
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Philadelphia PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Baltimore Crab & Seafood | 215-472-7040 | 4800 Spruce St | Philadelphia | PA | 19139 |
Big Jim Tuckers Lounge | 215-472-8171 | 5329 Market St | Philadelphia | PA | 19139 |
Boomer's Lounge | 215-747-6629 | 227 S 52nd St | Philadelphia | PA | 19139 |
Chan Van Sam | 215-471-8126 | 253 S 60th St | Philadelphia | PA | 19139 |
Chow's Tropical Choice Restaurant | 215-472-8530 | 247 N 52nd St | Philadelphia | PA | 19139 |
Crown Fried Chicken | 215-476-7339 | 22 N 52nd St | Philadelphia | PA | 19139 |
Cuzz's Seafood Restaurant | 215-476-6844 | 5127 Market St | Philadelphia | PA | 19139 |
Duke's Jerk Pit & Restaurant | 215-748-7618 | 5126 Market St | Philadelphia | PA | 19139 |
Elamin Meat Market | 215-471-3701 | 5104 Market St | Philadelphia | PA | 19139 |
Galaxy Restaurant | 215-747-4545 | 6251 Market St | Philadelphia | PA | 19139 |
Golden Wagon Restaurant | 215-476-8555 | 4834 Spruce St | Philadelphia | PA | 19139 |
Happy Garden Restaurant | 215-747-5717 | 271 S 60th St | Philadelphia | PA | 19139 |
Hyon's Seafood & Restaurant | 215-747-3578 | 5600 Spruce St | Philadelphia | PA | 19139 |
Ike's Steak Shop | 215-747-7005 | 32 N 60th St | Philadelphia | PA | 19139 |
Locust Grocery | 215-474-5036 | 6100 Locust St | Philadelphia | PA | 19139 |
Mc Donald's Restaurant | 215-748-2255 | 101 S 52nd St | Philadelphia | PA | 19139 |
New Broadway Four | 215-471-6133 | 6118 Market St | Philadelphia | PA | 19139 |
New Happy Garden Restuarant | 215-474-6921 | 54 S 60th St | Philadelphia | PA | 19139 |
New Harvest | 215-472-4737 | 4814 Spruce St | Philadelphia | PA | 19139 |
New York Fried Chicken | 215-471-4459 | 6 S Farragut St | Philadelphia | PA | 19139 |
Pete's Eats | 215-748-4995 | 35 S 52nd St | Philadelphia | PA | 19139 |
Punchey's Seafood | 215-747-9948 | 258 S 52nd St | Philadelphia | PA | 19139 |
Saad's Halal Place | 215-222-7223 | 4500 Walnut St | Philadelphia | PA | 19139 |
Scohte Soul Food Restaurant | 215-472-8211 | 43 N 52nd St | Philadelphia | PA | 19139 |
Steve's Sports Lounge Inc | 215-747-2080 | 5300 Market St | Philadelphia | PA | 19139 |
Sunday's Best | 215-476-2660 | 41 N 52nd St | Philadelphia | PA | 19139 |
Tang Soy | 215-472-6033 | 4653 Walnut St | Philadelphia | PA | 19139 |
Taste | 215-474-3333 | 5245 Market St | Philadelphia | PA | 19139 |
Top Taste | 215-747-1460 | 40 N 52nd St | Philadelphia | PA | 19139 |
Uncle Greg's Steaks & Hoagies | 215-747-7308 | 5562 Chancellor St | Philadelphia | PA | 19139 |
Uptown Grill Breakfast | 215-748-5510 | 38 S 60th St | Philadelphia | PA | 19139 |
Vine St Noodle House | 215-747-8744 | 6100 Vine St | Philadelphia | PA | 19139 |
White Leisa | 215-476-6004 | 51 N 52nd St | Philadelphia | PA | 19139 |
Yuan Hinh | 215-474-3946 | 272 S 52nd St | Philadelphia | PA | 19139 |
Yummy Diner | 215-748-2303 | 34 N 52nd St | Philadelphia | PA | 19139 |
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