Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Dentists in Somerset, PA 15501
* Each listing below of Dentists Information for Somerset PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Alcorn David G Dmd | 814-443-6060 | 266 W Patriot St | Somerset | PA | 15501 |
Allegheny Orthodontic Associates Ltd | 814-443-3838 | 453 W Patriot St | Somerset | PA | 15501 |
Bittner James H Dr Dntst | 814-445-8272 | 311 W Union St | Somerset | PA | 15501 |
Bonomo Rick Dmd Ltd | 814-445-7954 | 261 W Main St | Somerset | PA | 15501 |
Carberry Jeffrey G Dmd | 814-443-9000 | 203 E Patriot St | Somerset | PA | 15501 |
Delrosario Michael L Dds | 814-445-2400 | 829 Stoystown Rd | Somerset | PA | 15501 |
Ellis F R Dmd Jr | 814-445-4636 | 223 S Pleasant Ave Ste 303 | Somerset | PA | 15501 |
Frankel Harvey H Dmd | 814-443-4470 | 614 S Franklin Ave | Somerset | PA | 15501 |
Jacobson Peter C Dmd | 814-445-4661 | 433 W Patriot St | Somerset | PA | 15501 |
Kammerer Chad M Dmd | 814-443-6622 | 447 Westridge Rd | Somerset | PA | 15501 |
Kaufman Don Dr Dntst | 814-445-4769 | 102 E Main St | Somerset | PA | 15501 |
Marcinko Dennis R Dmd | 814-443-4747 | 917 W Main St | Somerset | PA | 15501 |
Robbins Richard Dmd | 814-443-4282 | 207 N Rosina Ave | Somerset | PA | 15501 |
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