Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Charleroi, PA 15022
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Charleroi PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Charleroi Baptist Church | 724-489-1040 | 1 Lockview Ave | Charleroi | PA | 15022 |
Christ Lutheran Church | 724-483-4908 | 6 Washington | Charleroi | PA | 15022 |
Dunlevy United Methodist Churc | 724-483-2372 | Rebecca St | Charleroi | PA | 15022 |
First Christian Church | 724-489-9014 | 61 Walnut Ridge Rd | Charleroi | PA | 15022 |
First United Methodist Church | 724-483-2718 | 601 Lincoln Ave | Charleroi | PA | 15022 |
Full Gospel Fellowship Church | 724-483-1747 | 10th & Upper Crst | Charleroi | PA | 15022 |
Gospel Alliance Church | 724-489-1030 | 636 McKean Ave | Charleroi | PA | 15022 |
Grace United Methodist Church | 724-483-4448 | 420 California Dr | Charleroi | PA | 15022 |
Greener Pasture Christian Fello | 724-483-4988 | 1006 Fallowfield Ave | Charleroi | PA | 15022 |
Holy Ghost Byzantine Catholic Church | 724-483-8622 | 828 Meadow Ave | Charleroi | PA | 15022 |
Holy Trinity Orthodox Church | 724-489-4343 | 1000 Lookout Ave | Charleroi | PA | 15022 |
Lover Church of Christ | 724-239-3420 | 5 Crossridge Rd | Charleroi | PA | 15022 |
Mount Sinai Baptist Church | 724-483-8737 | Brushton Ave | Charleroi | PA | 15022 |
Presbyterian Church of Charleroi | 724-483-2371 | 514 5th St | Charleroi | PA | 15022 |
St John's Lutheran Church | 724-489-9645 | 327 Washington Ave | Charleroi | PA | 15022 |
St Mary's Episcopal Church | 724-483-4072 | 509 6th St | Charleroi | PA | 15022 |
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