Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Donora, PA 15033
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Donora PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Calvary United Presbyterian Ch | 724-379-8285 | 800 Thompson Ave | Donora | PA | 15033 |
Christian Life Ministries Inc | 724-379-7604 | 410 McKean Ave | Donora | PA | 15033 |
Emanuel Baptist Church | 724-379-8750 | 2 Saint & Castner St | Donora | PA | 15033 |
First Baptist Church of Donora | 724-379-9380 | 541 Allen Ave | Donora | PA | 15033 |
New Testament Holiness Church | 724-379-6011 | 562 McKean Ave | Donora | PA | 15033 |
Our Lady of the Valley Catholic Church | 724-379-7559 | 2 Saint Ext & Park Mno | Donora | PA | 15033 |
Quinn Chapel Ame | 724-379-5507 | 317 1st St | Donora | PA | 15033 |
St John's Episcopal Church | 724-379-8871 | 998 Thompson Ave | Donora | PA | 15033 |
St Michael's Byzantine Rite Catholic C | 724-379-9876 | 511 Murray Ave | Donora | PA | 15033 |
St Nicholas Orthodox Church | 724-379-7540 | 1 Saint Nicholas Dr | Donora | PA | 15033 |
St Paul Baptist Church | 724-379-5838 | S McKean Ave | Donora | PA | 15033 |
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