Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in York, PA 17402
* Each listing below of Churches Information for York PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Advent Lutheran Church | 717-755-5007 | 1775 E Market St | York | PA | 17402 |
Bethel Christian Academy | 717-757-6126 | 1550 11th Ave | York | PA | 17402 |
Central Pa Conference United Methodis | 717-757-3780 | 2430 Bradford Dr | York | PA | 17402 |
Child Evangelism Fellowship of Y | 717-757-3212 | 58 Mount Zion Rd | York | PA | 17402 |
Christ Luthern Church of | 717-741-4639 | 2385 S Queen St | York | PA | 17402 |
Christ United Methodist Church of Yorka | 717-757-3998 | 3 Main St | York | PA | 17402 |
Church of Christ | 717-755-2062 | 150 S Manheim St | York | PA | 17402 |
Covenant Moravian Church | 717-755-3269 | 901 Cape Horn Rd | York | PA | 17402 |
Emmanuel Baptist Church | 717-757-5466 | 245 Pleasant Acres Rd | York | PA | 17402 |
Emmanuel Christian Fellowship | 717-840-0840 | 2309 E Philadelphia St | York | PA | 17402 |
Faith Bible Fellowship Church | 717-846-7749 | 675 Woodland View Dr | York | PA | 17402 |
Fellowship Baptist Church | 717-755-0391 | 3410 E Market St Ste D | York | PA | 17402 |
First Baptist Church | 717-600-0077 | 3375 Druck Valley Rd | York | PA | 17402 |
First Church of the Brethren | 717-755-0307 | 2710 Kingston Rd | York | PA | 17402 |
Grace Baptist Church | 717-755-0091 | 3920 E Prospect Rd | York | PA | 17402 |
Grace Lutheran Church | 717-767-4711 | 498 Church Rd | York | PA | 17402 |
Locust Grove United Church of Chris | 717-755-1318 | 1035 Locust Grove Rd | York | PA | 17402 |
Longstown United Methodist Churc | 717-757-5861 | 2975 Carol Rd | York | PA | 17402 |
Mission Home Ministry | 717-840-3256 | 1441 N East St | York | PA | 17402 |
Mt Zion United Church of Christ | 717-755-6117 | 1054 Ridgewood Rd | York | PA | 17402 |
Otterbein United Methodist Churc | 717-741-1429 | 50 School St | York | PA | 17402 |
Our Saviour's Lutheran Church | 717-757-1921 | 530 Locust Grove Rd | York | PA | 17402 |
Pleasureville United Methodist | 717-757-3216 | 2606 N Sherman St | York | PA | 17402 |
Praise Center The | 717-755-5683 | 3920 Farm Dr | York | PA | 17402 |
Quickel Lutheran Church | 717-266-4179 | 60 Canal Road Ext | York | PA | 17402 |
Resurrection Evangelical Lut | 717-751-1765 | 3515 E Prospect Rd | York | PA | 17402 |
Rivers of Life Fellowship | 717-757-3416 | 3295 Old Dutch Ln | York | PA | 17402 |
St John Chrysostom Orthodox Church | 717-751-4709 | 2397 N Sherman St | York | PA | 17402 |
St John Lutheran Church | 717-840-0382 | 2580 Mount Rose Ave | York | PA | 17402 |
York Christian Church | 717-755-1893 | 1604 Mount Zion Rd | York | PA | 17402 |
Yorkana Church of the Bretheren | 717-757-6761 | 88 Main St | York | PA | 17402 |
Yorkshire United Methodist Churc | 717-755-4952 | 125 Edgewood Rd | York | PA | 17402 |
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