Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in York, PA 17404
* Each listing below of Churches Information for York PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethany United Church of Christ | 717-854-3334 | 740 W Locust St | York | PA | 17404 |
Bethany United Methodist Churc | 717-843-6287 | Hall | York | PA | 17404 |
Bible Baptist Church | 717-266-0892 | 4190 N Susquehanna Trl | York | PA | 17404 |
Calvary Baptist Church | 717-764-1440 | 2740 Roosevelt Ave | York | PA | 17404 |
Calvary United Methodist Churc | 717-843-2990 | 11 N Richland Ave | York | PA | 17404 |
Church of God of the Bible Inc | 717-845-8011 | 508 Salem Ave | York | PA | 17404 |
Cityview Community Church | 717-767-2500 | 1655 Roosevelt Ave | York | PA | 17404 |
Cross Walk Community Umc | 717-764-4731 | 2550 Tara Ln | York | PA | 17404 |
Faith United Church of Christ | 717-843-8991 | 425 Pacific Ave | York | PA | 17404 |
First Assembly of God | 717-848-5200 | 2270 N Susquehanna Trl | York | PA | 17404 |
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church | 717-764-4746 | 2121 Roosevelt Ave | York | PA | 17404 |
Grace Lutheran Church of York | 717-843-2431 | 150 Jefferson Ave | York | PA | 17404 |
Grace United Church of Christ | 717-843-7662 | 225 N Hartley St | York | PA | 17404 |
Iglesia De Dios | 717-843-7949 | 956 N Duke St | York | PA | 17404 |
Joyful Noise Preschool of Zion Luthera | 717-767-4673 | 2215 Brandywine Ln | York | PA | 17404 |
Madison Av Church of the Brethren | 717-854-1885 | 645 Madison Ave | York | PA | 17404 |
Manor Baptist Church | 717-854-1721 | 806 W Princess St | York | PA | 17404 |
Messiah United Methodist Churc | 717-843-4574 | 1300 N Beaver St | York | PA | 17404 |
New Life Ministries | 717-854-9504 | 595 W Market St | York | PA | 17404 |
North York Gospel Chapel | 717-779-0082 | 2854 Lewisberry Rd | York | PA | 17404 |
Pathway Community Church West Cam | 717-793-8070 | 890 Taxville Rd | York | PA | 17404 |
Providence Presbyterian Church | 717-767-4772 | 1215 Church Rd | York | PA | 17404 |
Search Ministries | 717-767-9033 | 2071 Poplars Rd | York | PA | 17404 |
Shiloh Lutheran Church | 717-764-3275 | 2201 Church Rd | York | PA | 17404 |
Shiloh United Church of Christ | 717-764-3569 | 2251 Willow Rd | York | PA | 17404 |
St James Lutheran Church | 717-854-7198 | 25 N Adams St | York | PA | 17404 |
St Paul Lutheran Church | 717-792-1650 | 250 Trinity Rd | York | PA | 17404 |
St Paul's United Methodist Churc | 717-843-7461 | 128 S Belvidere Ave | York | PA | 17404 |
St Paul's Wolfs Ucc | 717-792-0731 | 4501 Wolfs Church Rd | York | PA | 17404 |
St Peters Lutheran Church | 717-854-0589 | 947 N George St | York | PA | 17404 |
St Stephen's United Church of Chris | 717-854-6736 | 1569 W Market St | York | PA | 17404 |
Temple of Grace | 717-854-1791 | 534 Salem Ave | York | PA | 17404 |
Trinity Lutheran Church | 717-843-5920 | 415 N West St | York | PA | 17404 |
Union Lutheran Church | 717-843-7897 | 408 W Market St | York | PA | 17404 |
United Faith Church of Christ | 717-845-7725 | 509 Pacific Ave | York | PA | 17404 |
Vietnamese Alliance Church of York | 717-846-8339 | 1154 N George St | York | PA | 17404 |
West York Church of the Brethren | 717-792-9260 | 5101 Darlington Rd | York | PA | 17404 |
West York Missionary Church | 717-843-6905 | 1497 W Philadelphia St | York | PA | 17404 |
York Christian Fellowship | 717-792-5354 | 110 Weldon Dr | York | PA | 17404 |
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