Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Home Builders in York, PA 17404
* Each listing below of Home Builders Information for York PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Andrews Electric | 717-767-5407 | 1211 Church Rd | York | PA | 17404 |
Boll Albert & Sons | 717-767-5537 | 1036 Greenbriar Rd | York | PA | 17404 |
Buffalo Specialty Products Inc | 717-843-0021 | 150 S Sumner St | York | PA | 17404 |
C De Environmental Services | 717-846-2387 | 730 Vogelsong Rd | York | PA | 17404 |
C S C Contractors Inc | 717-764-3856 | 840 Glen Eagle Dr | York | PA | 17404 |
Charter Homes at Macgregor | 717-779-0011 | 2119 Bernays Dr | York | PA | 17404 |
Coggeshall & Lentz Gen Contr | 717-854-9957 | 160 E 9th Ave | York | PA | 17404 |
Coggeshall & Lentz General Contrac | 717-764-2311 | 2119 Sycamore Rd | York | PA | 17404 |
Cumberland Systems Inc | 717-792-9774 | 4595 W Market St | York | PA | 17404 |
D & S Construction | 717-225-9880 | 1166 Sunnyside Rd | York | PA | 17404 |
Dennis Barry General Contractor | 717-792-1467 | 1125 Stewart St | York | PA | 17404 |
Dotzel John M Builder Inc | 717-792-2470 | 2350 Taxville Rd | York | PA | 17404 |
Eberly Dennis E Contr | 717-764-1898 | 1885 Church Rd | York | PA | 17404 |
Gilligan Group | 717-764-9881 | 930 Millcreek Rd | York | PA | 17404 |
Gilligun | 717-764-0867 | 936 Millcreek Rd | York | PA | 17404 |
Gregory Contractors | 717-843-5202 | 2080 Lemon St | York | PA | 17404 |
J M D Construction | 717-792-6688 | 3108 W Market St | York | PA | 17404 |
Kuba R E Construction | 717-792-6142 | 2707 Loman Ave | York | PA | 17404 |
Lexington Builders | 717-747-4240 | 2804 Dewberry Rd | York | PA | 17404 |
Markey Builders Inc | 717-843-6607 | 1732 W King St | York | PA | 17404 |
Montandon Services | 717-225-3797 | 1948 Noss Rd | York | PA | 17404 |
Re Kuba Construction | 717-854-7663 | 228 S Richland Ave | York | PA | 17404 |
Shank K Eugene Inc | 717-792-3989 | 700 Weldon Dr | York | PA | 17404 |
Smith Scott T Contr | 717-845-5934 | 942 N Duke St | York | PA | 17404 |
Wayneco | 717-225-4413 | 800 Hanover Rd | York | PA | 17404 |
York County Homes | 717-792-3661 | 4250 W Market St | York | PA | 17404 |
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