Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Organizations in York, PA 17403
* Each listing below of Organizations Information for York PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
American Legion 794 | 717-843-1389 | 117 E Princess St | York | PA | 17403 |
Crispus Attucks Community Cente | 717-848-3610 | 605 S Duke St | York | PA | 17403 |
Del Phia Athletic Assn Inc | 717-854-7061 | 991 Edison St | York | PA | 17403 |
Diakon Adoption & Foster Care Ser | 717-845-9113 | 836 S George St | York | PA | 17403 |
Junior Achievement of South Cen Penns | 717-843-8028 | 610 S George St | York | PA | 17403 |
Literacy Council of York County | 717-845-8719 | 800 E King St | York | PA | 17403 |
Medical Dental Bureau | 717-843-3861 | 263 E Market St | York | PA | 17403 |
Prince A A | 717-848-1410 | 600 S Richland Ave | York | PA | 17403 |
Real Estate Investors of York | 717-747-0347 | 271 Reynolds Mill Rd | York | PA | 17403 |
South George St Community Partn | 717-843-6945 | 508 S George St | York | PA | 17403 |
Veterans of Foreign Wars Post No 55 | 717-854-4710 | 333 Eberts Ln | York | PA | 17403 |
Yankee Athletic Assoc | 717-848-1383 | 260 Lafayette St | York | PA | 17403 |
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