Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in York, PA 17404
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for York PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Central York School District | 717-846-6789 | 300 E 7th Ave | York | PA | 17404 |
Christian School of York | 717-767-6842 | 907 Greenbriar Rd | York | PA | 17404 |
Northeastern York School District | 717-266-1644 | 570 Copenhaffer Rd | York | PA | 17404 |
Spring Grove Area School District | 717-225-4731 | 3745 Salem Rd | York | PA | 17404 |
West York Area School District | 717-845-1671 | 1700 Bannister St | York | PA | 17404 |
West York Area School District | 717-845-6634 | 1800 Bannister St | York | PA | 17404 |
West York Area School District | 717-764-6586 | 1900 Brenda Rd | York | PA | 17404 |
West York Area School District | 717-764-6869 | 2065 High St | York | PA | 17404 |
West York Area School District | 717-792-3902 | 2625 W Philadelphia St | York | PA | 17404 |
West York Area School District | 717-843-6631 | 1381 W Poplar St | York | PA | 17404 |
York City School District | 717-849-1240 | 701 Texas Ave | York | PA | 17404 |
York Seventh Day Adventist Eleme | 717-764-5603 | 2220 Roosevelt Ave | York | PA | 17404 |
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