Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in York, PA 17403
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for York PA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Alley Oops Sports Bar & Grill | 717-848-4967 | 1945 S Queen St | York | PA | 17403 |
Allison's Restaurant | 717-854-7489 | 105 S Duke St | York | PA | 17403 |
Asian Grille | 717-848-8173 | 100 W Jackson St | York | PA | 17403 |
Az Land | 717-845-4969 | 605 S George St | York | PA | 17403 |
Bair's Fried Chicken Central Market | 717-848-1945 | 34 W Philadelphia St | York | PA | 17403 |
Bamboo Garden | 717-854-3956 | 205 S Sherman St | York | PA | 17403 |
Chapps at the Hill | 717-846-5265 | 1839 S Queen St | York | PA | 17403 |
Cobblestone's Restaurant & Sp | 717-848-3866 | 205 S George St | York | PA | 17403 |
Colonial Coffee Shop & Donut World | 717-854-0956 | 938 S George St | York | PA | 17403 |
Degen's Restaurant | 717-854-6066 | 743 E Market St | York | PA | 17403 |
Emerson's Pub | 717-843-9938 | 1500 S George St | York | PA | 17403 |
Granfalloons | 717-843-5450 | 41 E Princess St | York | PA | 17403 |
Hillside Restaurant | 717-845-1692 | 1744 S Queen St | York | PA | 17403 |
Jackie B's | 717-854-6247 | 300 Mulberry St | York | PA | 17403 |
Mack's Home Made | 717-741-2027 | 2731 S Queen St | York | PA | 17403 |
Market Street Viet Thai Cafe | 717-846-9302 | 917 E Market St | York | PA | 17403 |
McDonald's | 717-747-9191 | 133 Leaders Heights Rd | York | PA | 17403 |
McDonald's | 717-846-4896 | 2061 S Queen St | York | PA | 17403 |
Rutter's Famous Express Deli | 717-741-5647 | 129 Leaders Heights Rd | York | PA | 17403 |
South York Diner | 717-843-9329 | 2149 S Queen St | York | PA | 17403 |
Subway | 717-845-2076 | 2128 S Queen St | York | PA | 17403 |
Taco Bell | 717-843-9423 | 2054 S Queen St | York | PA | 17403 |
Victor's Italian Restaurant | 717-854-7958 | 554 S Ogontz St | York | PA | 17403 |
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