Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Beauty Salons in Bristol, RI 02809
* Each listing below of Beauty Salons Information for Bristol RI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abbigales Full Service Salon | 401-253-5030 | 315 Hope St | Bristol | RI | 02809 |
Caboret Salon of Beauty The | 401-253-6349 | 35 Constitution St | Bristol | RI | 02809 |
Curls Cuts & More | 401-253-3800 | 276 High St | Bristol | RI | 02809 |
Divine Creations Hair Studio | 401-253-4431 | 205 Gooding Ave | Bristol | RI | 02809 |
East Bay Beauty Boutique | 401-253-9889 | 643 Metacom Ave | Bristol | RI | 02809 |
Golden Shears Beauty Salon | 401-253-0022 | 513 Wood St | Bristol | RI | 02809 |
La Castilian Styling Salon | 401-253-4433 | 498 Metacom Ave | Bristol | RI | 02809 |
Modern Image | 401-253-1177 | 22 Gooding Ave | Bristol | RI | 02809 |
Salon Trio | 401-253-3700 | 246 State St | Bristol | RI | 02809 |
The New Look | 401-253-1580 | 583 Hope St | Bristol | RI | 02809 |
Trend Setter Stylists Ltd | 401-253-2163 | 325 Metacom Ave | Bristol | RI | 02809 |
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