Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Providence, RI 02906
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Providence RI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethel Ame Church | 401-272-9186 | 30 Rochambeau Ave | Providence | RI | 02906 |
Central Congregational Church | 401-454-5797 | 296 Angell St | Providence | RI | 02906 |
Christian Science Church | 401-751-7327 | 71 Prospect St | Providence | RI | 02906 |
Community Church of Providence | 401-751-9328 | 372 Wayland Ave | Providence | RI | 02906 |
Congdon Street Bapt Church | 401-421-4032 | 17 Congdon St | Providence | RI | 02906 |
Episcopal Diocese of Rhode Island | 401-331-0678 | 655 Hope St | Providence | RI | 02906 |
Episcopal Diocese of Rhode Island | 401-751-2141 | 50 Orchard Ave | Providence | RI | 02906 |
Grace Harbor Community Church | 401-454-4673 | 61 Sessions St | Providence | RI | 02906 |
Mt Hope Community Baptist Church | 401-454-0052 | 734 Hope St | Providence | RI | 02906 |
Olney Street Baptist Church Study | 401-272-1024 | 100 Olney St | Providence | RI | 02906 |
Providence Presbyterian Church | 401-861-1136 | 500 Hope St | Providence | RI | 02906 |
Sheldon Street Church | 401-331-5679 | 51 Sheldon St | Providence | RI | 02906 |
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