Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Narragansett, RI 02882
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Narragansett RI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Amalfi Mediterranean Restaurant | 401-792-3999 | 1 Beach St | Narragansett | RI | 02882 |
Aunt Carrie's Restaurant | 401-783-7930 | 1240 Ocean Rd | Narragansett | RI | 02882 |
Basil's Restaurant | 401-789-3743 | 22 Kingstown Rd | Narragansett | RI | 02882 |
Bonvue Inn | 401-789-0696 | 1230 Ocean Rd | Narragansett | RI | 02882 |
Burger King Family Restaurants | 401-789-7479 | 40 Tower Hill Rd | Narragansett | RI | 02882 |
Champlin's Fish Market | 401-783-3152 | 256 Great Island Rd | Narragansett | RI | 02882 |
Charlie O's Tavern on the Point | 401-782-2002 | 2 Sand Hill Cove Rd | Narragansett | RI | 02882 |
Dad's Place | 401-783-6420 | 142 Boon St | Narragansett | RI | 02882 |
Fairwinds | 401-783-4445 | 126 Boon St | Narragansett | RI | 02882 |
George's of Galilee | 401-783-2306 | 250 Sand Hill Cove Rd | Narragansett | RI | 02882 |
Iggy's Doughboys & Chowder House I | 401-783-5608 | 1157 Point Judith Rd | Narragansett | RI | 02882 |
Landing Restaurant | 401-783-8770 | 265 Great Island Rd | Narragansett | RI | 02882 |
Lighthouse Inn | 401-789-9341 | 307 Great Island Rd | Narragansett | RI | 02882 |
New Dragon Restaurant | 401-783-1110 | 80 Point Judith Rd | Narragansett | RI | 02882 |
Port Side Restaurant | 401-783-3821 | 321 Great Island Rd | Narragansett | RI | 02882 |
Spain of Narragansett | 401-783-9770 | 1144 Ocean Rd | Narragansett | RI | 02882 |
Starboard Galley | 401-782-1366 | 190 Ocean Rd | Narragansett | RI | 02882 |
The Coast Guard House | 401-789-0700 | 40 Ocean Rd | Narragansett | RI | 02882 |
The Quarter Bar & Grill | 401-284-1790 | 135 Boon St | Narragansett | RI | 02882 |
Turtle Soup | 401-792-8683 | 113 Ocean Rd | Narragansett | RI | 02882 |
Wheel House The | 401-284-0246 | 294 Great Island Rd | Narragansett | RI | 02882 |
Woody's Restaurant | 401-789-9500 | 21 Pier Market Pl | Narragansett | RI | 02882 |
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