Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in North Augusta, SC 29841
* Each listing below of Churches Information for North Augusta SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Agape Worship Center | 803-279-9207 | 116 Wilde Dr | North Augusta | SC | 29841 |
Bel-Ridge Baptist Church | 803-279-3366 | 108 Monterey Ave | North Augusta | SC | 29841 |
Belvedere Church of Christ | 803-442-6388 | 535 Belvedere Clearwater | North Augusta | SC | 29841 |
Belvedere First Baptist Church | 803-279-0415 | 421 Edgefield Rd | North Augusta | SC | 29841 |
Belvedere United Methodist Churc | 803-279-3929 | 202 Rhomboid Pl | North Augusta | SC | 29841 |
Born Again Believers | 803-278-0025 | 1897 Knobcone Ave | North Augusta | SC | 29841 |
Carpentersville Baptist Church | 803-279-2501 | 415 Carpentersville Rd | North Augusta | SC | 29841 |
Church of Latter Day Saints Espanol | 803-278-3929 | 1704 Bunting Dr | North Augusta | SC | 29841 |
Community Care and Counseling Cent | 803-279-6370 | 602 Georgia Ave | North Augusta | SC | 29841 |
Cornerstone United Pentecostal Chu | 803-278-2236 | 836 Edgefield Rd | North Augusta | SC | 29841 |
Fairview Presbyterian Church | 803-279-6441 | 1101 Carolina Ave | North Augusta | SC | 29841 |
Freedom Praise Ministry | 803-202-3400 | 695 E Buena Vista Ave | North Augusta | SC | 29841 |
Friendship Baptist Church | 803-441-8553 | 110 Clearmont Dr | North Augusta | SC | 29841 |
Grace United Methodist Church | 803-279-7525 | 639 Georgia Ave | North Augusta | SC | 29841 |
Hammond Grove Baptist Church Pastor's | 803-279-1493 | 590 Hemlock Dr | North Augusta | SC | 29841 |
His Way Chosen Minstry | 803-278-4635 | 523 Georgia Ave | North Augusta | SC | 29841 |
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church | 803-279-0765 | 1002 Carolina Ave | North Augusta | SC | 29841 |
Immanuel Baptist Church | 803-279-4191 | 615 Old Edgefield Rd | North Augusta | SC | 29841 |
Life Changing Outreach Ministries | 803-202-0021 | 614 E Martintown Rd | North Augusta | SC | 29841 |
Lighthouse Baptist Church | 803-441-8056 | 1032 Atomic Rd | North Augusta | SC | 29841 |
Lighthouse Baptist Church | 803-648-1129 | 2150 Columbia Hwy | North Augusta | SC | 29841 |
Mount Transfiguration Baptist Church | 803-278-4051 | 350 Blanchard Rd | North Augusta | SC | 29841 |
New Hope North | 803-279-0229 | 701 Atomic Rd | North Augusta | SC | 29841 |
North Augusta Baptist Church | 803-278-2318 | 508 Jackson Ave | North Augusta | SC | 29841 |
North Augusta Church of Christ | 803-279-3191 | 600 W Martintown Rd | North Augusta | SC | 29841 |
North Augusta Southern Methodist Churc | 803-279-7771 | 615 W Martintown Rd | North Augusta | SC | 29841 |
Ridgeview Baptist Church | 803-202-0424 | 1744 Georgia Ave | North Augusta | SC | 29841 |
Riverside Church of Christ | 803-279-6690 | 1766 Knox Ave | North Augusta | SC | 29841 |
Second Providence Baptist Church | 803-279-8227 | 1202 Old Edgefield Rd | North Augusta | SC | 29841 |
Spring Grove Baptist Church | 803-442-7694 | 1677 Womrath Rd | North Augusta | SC | 29841 |
St Bartholomew's Episcopal Churc | 803-279-4622 | 471 W Martintown Rd | North Augusta | SC | 29841 |
St John's Episcopal Church | 803-593-5662 | 920 Belvedere Clearwater | North Augusta | SC | 29841 |
Victory Baptist Church & School | 803-278-2138 | 620 W Martintown Rd | North Augusta | SC | 29841 |
Word of Faith Outreach Ministries | 803-279-9214 | 924 Atomic Rd | North Augusta | SC | 29841 |
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