Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Honea Path, SC 29654
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Honea Path SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Austin Road Baptist Church | 864-369-2422 | 1619 Austin Rd | Honea Path | SC | 29654 |
Barkers Creek Baptist Church | 864-369-6946 | 3207 Highway 252 | Honea Path | SC | 29654 |
Chiquola Baptist Church | 864-369-2815 | 405 E Greer St | Honea Path | SC | 29654 |
Columbia Baptist Church | 864-369-0487 | 11321 Augusta Rd | Honea Path | SC | 29654 |
Covenant Community Church | 864-369-1750 | 109 N Main St | Honea Path | SC | 29654 |
First Baptist Church | 864-369-2818 | 100 S Main St | Honea Path | SC | 29654 |
Honea Path Presbyterian Church | 864-369-2515 | 106 Church St | Honea Path | SC | 29654 |
Keowee Baptist Church | 864-369-0966 | 4640 Keowee Rd | Honea Path | SC | 29654 |
Liberty Baptist Church | 864-369-0478 | 600 E Greer St | Honea Path | SC | 29654 |
Mt Horeb Ame Church | 864-369-7976 | 310 E Hampton Ave | Honea Path | SC | 29654 |
New Bethlehem Baptist Church | 864-369-1017 | 229 New Bethlehem Church | Honea Path | SC | 29654 |
New Forksville Baptist Church | 864-243-2281 | 89 NW Frksvlle Chrch Rd | Honea Path | SC | 29654 |
New Friendship Baptist Church | 864-369-6838 | 3298 Keowee Rd | Honea Path | SC | 29654 |
Palmer Jeremiah E Rev | 864-369-6702 | Friendship Community | Honea Path | SC | 29654 |
Southside Baptist Church | 864-369-7021 | 1800 Highway 178 N | Honea Path | SC | 29654 |
Trinity United Methodist Churc | 864-369-2837 | 101 S Main St | Honea Path | SC | 29654 |
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