Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Pendleton, SC 29670
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Pendleton SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethel United Methodist Church | 864-646-8892 | 331 N Mechanic St | Pendleton | SC | 29670 |
Clemson Community Church | 864-654-9106 | 1004 Anderson Hwy | Pendleton | SC | 29670 |
Faith Fellowship | 864-646-2449 | 2230 Old Greenville Hwy | Pendleton | SC | 29670 |
First Baptist Church of La France | 864-646-5768 | 1 Circle St | Pendleton | SC | 29670 |
First Baptist Church of Pendleton | 864-646-3913 | 351 S Broad St | Pendleton | SC | 29670 |
King Chapel Ame Church | 864-646-9462 | 135 Vance St | Pendleton | SC | 29670 |
Mount Able Baptist Church | 864-261-7605 | 130 Mount Able Church Rd | Pendleton | SC | 29670 |
Mt Sinai Baptist Church | 864-646-8797 | 303 Winston St | Pendleton | SC | 29670 |
Mt Zion Presbyterian Church | 864-261-9861 | 1501 Levis Smith Rd | Pendleton | SC | 29670 |
Pendleton Presbyterian Church | 864-646-3156 | 603 S Mechanic St | Pendleton | SC | 29670 |
Pendleton United Methodist Churc | 864-646-3355 | Broad St | Pendleton | SC | 29670 |
Silver Spring Baptist Church | 864-646-3912 | 515 N Mechanic St | Pendleton | SC | 29670 |
Unity Church of Practical Chris | 864-646-6114 | 7538 Highway 76 | Pendleton | SC | 29670 |
Welcome Baptist Church | 864-261-8112 | 4800 Highway 76 | Pendleton | SC | 29670 |
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