Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Beaufort, SC 29902
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Beaufort SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Agape Christian Academy | 843-846-4835 | 42 Keans Neck Rd | Beaufort | SC | 29902 |
Beaufort New Church of Christ | 843-524-8796 | 909 Wilmington St | Beaufort | SC | 29902 |
Bethel Tabernacle | 843-470-0238 | 2606 Mossy Oaks Rd | Beaufort | SC | 29902 |
Bethlehem Baptist Church | 843-524-3934 | 1030 Ribaut Rd | Beaufort | SC | 29902 |
Bread of Life Gifts & Books | 843-379-7555 | 205 Ribaut Rd | Beaufort | SC | 29902 |
Carteret Street United Methodist Churc | 843-524-3841 | 408 Carteret St | Beaufort | SC | 29902 |
Central Baptist Church | 843-524-8997 | 1111 Prince St | Beaufort | SC | 29902 |
Church of Christ | 843-524-4400 | 2107 King St | Beaufort | SC | 29902 |
Church of the Palms United Methodis | 843-379-1888 | 1425 Okatie Hwy | Beaufort | SC | 29902 |
Cornerstone Christian Church | 843-525-9228 | 2301 1st Blvd | Beaufort | SC | 29902 |
First African Baptist Church | 843-524-6886 | 601 New St | Beaufort | SC | 29902 |
First Presbyterian Church | 843-524-1247 | 1203 North St | Beaufort | SC | 29902 |
Fishers of Men Pentecostal Chu | 843-521-4571 | 1311 Congress St | Beaufort | SC | 29902 |
Friendship Baptist Church | 843-525-1509 | Coosaw Isl | Beaufort | SC | 29902 |
Grace Chapel Ame Church | 843-524-6091 | 502 Charles St | Beaufort | SC | 29902 |
Holy Redeemer Apostolic | 843-524-1962 | 1402 Duke St | Beaufort | SC | 29902 |
House of Prayer Faith Deliverance | 843-521-2197 | 1807 Oconnell St | Beaufort | SC | 29902 |
Mt Calvary Baptist Church | 843-846-6772 | 1849 Trask Pkwy | Beaufort | SC | 29902 |
Mt Sinai Baptist Church | 843-524-4656 | 2002 Greene St | Beaufort | SC | 29902 |
Parish Bookstore at St Helena's Episco | 843-522-1712 | 507 Newcastle St | Beaufort | SC | 29902 |
Presbyterian Church Sea Island | 843-525-0696 | 502 Ladys Isl Dr | Beaufort | SC | 29902 |
Riverview Baptist Church | 843-524-8335 | 2209 Boundary St | Beaufort | SC | 29902 |
Tabernacle Baptist Church | 843-524-0376 | 907 Craven St | Beaufort | SC | 29902 |
The Baptist Church of Beaufort | 843-524-2636 | 600 Charles St | Beaufort | SC | 29902 |
Union Baptist Church | 843-524-8604 | 1708 Old Shell Rd | Beaufort | SC | 29902 |
United Church of Jesus Christ | 843-525-6269 | 1801 Duke St | Beaufort | SC | 29902 |
Wesley Methodist Church | 843-524-9487 | 701 West St | Beaufort | SC | 29902 |
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