Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Saint Helena Island, SC 29920
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Saint Helena Island SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Adams St Baptist Church | 843-838-5364 | Lands End Rd | Saint Helena Island | SC | 29920 |
Faith Memorial Baptist Church | 843-838-2362 | 1002 Seaside Rd | Saint Helena Island | SC | 29920 |
First African Baptist Church | 843-838-5245 | 109 Olde Church Rd | Saint Helena Island | SC | 29920 |
Grace & Truth Gospel Chapel | 843-838-5302 | 1161 Sea Island Pkwy | Saint Helena Island | SC | 29920 |
Jehovah Church of Jesus Christ | 843-838-2928 | 18 John Fripp Cir | Saint Helena Island | SC | 29920 |
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witne | 843-838-4966 | 1213 Sea Island Pkwy | Saint Helena Island | SC | 29920 |
Nazareth Baptist Church | 843-838-7374 | 133 Seaside Rd | Saint Helena Island | SC | 29920 |
Orange Grove Baptist Church | 843-838-4128 | Orange Grove Plntn | Saint Helena Island | SC | 29920 |
Scott New Church of Christ | 843-838-4318 | 259 Storyteller Rd | Saint Helena Island | SC | 29920 |
Scottsville Baptist Church | 843-838-1260 | 110 Olde Church Rd | Saint Helena Island | SC | 29920 |
St Helena Baptist Church | 843-838-3930 | 1608 Sea Island Pkwy | Saint Helena Island | SC | 29920 |
St Joseph Baptist Church | 843-838-4410 | 36 Dr Martin Luther Kin | Saint Helena Island | SC | 29920 |
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