Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Beauty Salons in Charleston, SC 29403
* Each listing below of Beauty Salons Information for Charleston SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Allure Color Specialist | 843-722-8689 | 415 King St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
B and D Unique Style | 843-723-9120 | 225 Rutledge Ave | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Barbara's Salon of Beauty | 843-723-1823 | 25 Ashe St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Carolina Beauty Salon | 843-853-4042 | 77 Grove St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Casa Bella Beauty Salon | 843-722-6865 | 92 Spring St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Cora's Healing Rose Herbal Correcti | 843-723-6054 | 81 Spring St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Ebony Hair Affaire | 843-722-1334 | 116 Cannon St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Edna's Beauty Lounge | 843-722-7107 | 148 Cannon St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Felicia's Beauty Shop | 843-577-5863 | 759 Rutledge Ave | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Hair 2 B Done | 843-723-1217 | 116 Spring St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Hair Designs by John & Company | 843-723-4564 | 698 Rutledge Ave | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Hair's Best by Mark Morris | 843-722-6618 | 190 Coming St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Hairland Beauty Shop | 843-577-4113 | 626 Rutledge Ave | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Inner Image Beauty Salon Inc | 843-577-0136 | 36 Blake St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Julia's Beauty Shop | 843-722-0921 | 47 America St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Mel's Beauty Lounge | 843-722-9154 | 42 Morris St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Professional Touch by Tina | 843-723-1998 | 716 Meeting St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Roberta's Steps To Elegance | 843-534-2959 | 460 Meeting St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Salon 148-A Beauty Shop | 843-853-0017 | 148 Line St Ste A | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Salon Couture | 843-853-0505 | 420 King St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Salon Solas | 843-722-0233 | 49 John St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Ultra Beauty by Heyward | 843-577-7811 | 515 King St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
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