Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Charleston, SC 29403
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Charleston SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Asbury St James United Methodist Churc | 843-722-2826 | 754 Rutledge Ave | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Baker L T Rev | 843-723-4498 | 78 Gordon St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Baptist Collegiate Ministry | 843-723-6241 | 328 Meeting St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Beaulah United Bible Way Church of C | 843-723-4040 | 22 Reid St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Bethany Baptist Church | 843-853-8344 | 790 Meeting St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Brown Jack Jr Rev | 843-723-3517 | 66 Hanover St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Calhoun Clyde Rev | 843-723-5619 | 446 Meeting St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Calvary Baptist Church | 843-723-0069 | 387 Sumter St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Cathedral Church of St Luke & St Paul | 843-722-7345 | 126 Coming St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Central Baptist Church | 843-577-4543 | 26 Radcliffe St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Central R M U E Church | 843-723-6927 | 117 President St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Christ Gospel Church of Charleston | 843-722-6166 | 245 Saint Philip St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Church of Christ at Rutledge Ave | 843-579-0705 | 1316 Rutledge Ave | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Covington Francis | 843-722-4374 | 22 Elizabeth St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Darby Joseph A Rev | 843-723-1961 | 13 Morris St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Davis Sidney E Rev | 843-723-9024 | 134 Cannon St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Eastside Baptist Church | 843-723-8880 | 584 Meeting St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Ebenezer Ame Church | 843-723-1076 | 44 Nassau St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Elmore Temple Church | 843-965-5009 | 135 Congress St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
First Church of Christ Scientist | 843-723-3217 | 137 Moultrie St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
First Deliverance Baptist Church | 843-722-2961 | 105 Fishburne St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Francis Brown Ame Church | 843-723-5987 | 7 Ashe St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Friendship Baptist Church | 843-722-3032 | 75 America St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Gethsemane Baptist Church | 843-723-3060 | 180 Romney St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Greater Beard Chapel Ame Church | 843-723-8940 | 20 Hanover St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Greater Middleton Chapel A M E Ch | 843-577-9314 | 5 Johnson St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Greater Refuge Temple | 843-724-3510 | 268 Huger St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Greater Refuge Temple Church of Lrd J | 843-723-4147 | 230 Huger St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Greater Trinity Ame Church | 843-723-5390 | 677 Meeting St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Green Chapel Baptist Church | 843-577-2086 | 36 Poinsett St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Griffin Leonard O Pastor | 843-723-0408 | 25 Morris St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Head Start Centers | 843-577-7366 | 132 Bogard St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Heavenly Hope Christian Center | 843-579-9351 | 119 Romney St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Hope Assembly of God | 843-958-0703 | 633 King St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
House of Prayre | 843-577-4509 | 855 Rutledge Ave | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Jerusalem Baptist Church | 843-723-0187 | 26 Maverick St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Jones Charles H Rev | 843-722-3078 | 59 Piedmont Ave | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Keyser Cameron | 843-723-1611 | 405 King St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Life Changers Covenant Ministries | 843-723-8528 | 1156 King St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Memorial Baptist Church | 843-722-1823 | 153 Alexander St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Morningstar Baptist Church | 843-722-1451 | 19 Norman St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Mount Carmel United Methodist Churc | 843-722-4110 | 95 Cooper St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Mt Carmel Ame Church | 843-577-3712 | 591 Rutledge Ave | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Mt Hermon Rmue | 843-853-6078 | 179 Fishburne St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Mt Pisgah Baptist Church | 843-722-4959 | 191 Jackson St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
New Antioch Missionary Baptist Church | 843-577-4984 | 18 F St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
New Cannon Street Baptist Church | 843-723-4386 | 46 Cannon St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
New Holmes Street Baptist Church | 843-722-0477 | 7 Killians St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
New Israel Child Development Cen | 843-723-5500 | 69 Simons St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Plymouth Congregational Ucc | 843-723-4519 | 124 Spring St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Sacred Heart Church | 843-722-7018 | 888 King St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Salem Baptist Church | 843-722-8163 | 570 Rutledge Ave | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Second Presbyterian Church | 843-723-9237 | 342 Meeting St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Shiloh Ame Church | 843-723-8845 | 172 Smith St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
St Barnabas Lutheran Church | 843-722-3380 | 45 Moultrie St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Tabernacle Baptist Church | 843-723-4049 | 51 Gordon St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Union Baptist Church | 843-723-9930 | 708 Meeting St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
Wallingford Presbyterian Ch | 843-723-9929 | 705 King St | Charleston | SC | 29403 |
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