Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Charleston, SC 29418
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Charleston SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Adams Ame Church | 843-767-3070 | 5300 Dorchester Rd | Charleston | SC | 29418 |
Apostle Nathaniel & S Nelson Gathers | 843-552-3330 | 7269 Cross County Rd | Charleston | SC | 29418 |
Ashley Baptist Church | 843-552-2610 | 3890 Ashley Phosphate Rd | Charleston | SC | 29418 |
Calvary Revival Church | 843-207-9742 | 8020 Dorchester Rd | Charleston | SC | 29418 |
Charleston Korean Baptist Church | 843-552-6091 | 3960 Ashley Phosphate Rd | Charleston | SC | 29418 |
Christ Church Cathedral Four | 843-552-3441 | 1 University Dr | Charleston | SC | 29418 |
Coastal Shores Baptist Church | 843-552-4135 | 8310 Dorchester Rd | Charleston | SC | 29418 |
Cokesbury United Methodist Churc | 843-552-4061 | 4990 Dorchester Rd | Charleston | SC | 29418 |
Cross Community Church of the Nazarene | 843-552-7365 | 5391 Dorchester Rd | Charleston | SC | 29418 |
Faith Convenant Christian Cente | 843-552-9886 | 6943 Dorchester Rd | Charleston | SC | 29418 |
First Free Will Baptist Church | 843-552-2020 | 3633 W Montague Ave | Charleston | SC | 29418 |
Hillcrest Baptist Church | 843-552-1495 | 3595 Ashley Phosphate Rd | Charleston | SC | 29418 |
Life Center Ministries Charleston | 843-552-4148 | 7190 Cross County Rd | Charleston | SC | 29418 |
Living Truth Ministries | 843-767-8373 | 4999 Fargo St | Charleston | SC | 29418 |
Metropolitan Community Church | 843-760-6114 | 7860 Dorchester Rd | Charleston | SC | 29418 |
New Francis Brown United Methodis | 843-767-0674 | 5427 Blufton Ct | Charleston | SC | 29418 |
Peace Lutheran Church | 843-552-7050 | 8315 Dorchester Rd | Charleston | SC | 29418 |
Truth & Fellowship Ministry | 843-767-8855 | 3378 Ashley Phosphate Rd | Charleston | SC | 29418 |
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