Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in North Charleston, SC 29406
* Each listing below of Churches Information for North Charleston SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Aldersgate United Methodist Churc | 843-744-0283 | 1444 Remount Rd | North Charleston | SC | 29406 |
Besancon Robert Dr | 843-744-3307 | 4870 Piedmont Ave | North Charleston | SC | 29406 |
Beyond the Church Walls Ministry | 843-747-8728 | 1253 Dickson Ave | North Charleston | SC | 29406 |
Charleston Korean Full Gospel Church | 843-572-8210 | 7263 Mazyck Rd | North Charleston | SC | 29406 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 843-553-1913 | 8720 Antler Dr | North Charleston | SC | 29406 |
Deer Park Baptist Church | 843-553-1172 | 8875 University Blvd | North Charleston | SC | 29406 |
Dial-A-Devotion | 843-744-1603 | 1179 Remount Rd | North Charleston | SC | 29406 |
Divine Redeemer Catholic Church | 843-553-0340 | 1106 Fort Dr | North Charleston | SC | 29406 |
Enoch Chapel Methodist | 843-744-8928 | 2355 James Bell Dr | North Charleston | SC | 29406 |
First Southern Methodist Churc | 843-554-8458 | 1301 Remount Rd | North Charleston | SC | 29406 |
Gospel Light Baptist Church | 843-572-9365 | 8723 Salamander Rd | North Charleston | SC | 29406 |
Hanahan Baptist Church | 843-744-3047 | 1262 Belvedere Dr | North Charleston | SC | 29406 |
Highland Park Baptist Church | 843-797-1100 | 6211 Murray Dr | North Charleston | SC | 29406 |
Holmes Sonny Pastor | 843-553-3281 | 2200 Greenridge Rd | North Charleston | SC | 29406 |
Joshua United Methodist Church | 843-824-2339 | 1318 Starling Rd | North Charleston | SC | 29406 |
Korean United Methodist Church | 843-797-8199 | 2745 Shadow Ln | North Charleston | SC | 29406 |
Lovely Mountain Baptist Church | 843-797-5656 | 6798 Ward Ave | North Charleston | SC | 29406 |
Messiah Lutheran Church | 843-747-5316 | 1106 Yeamans Hall Rd | North Charleston | SC | 29406 |
Midland Park United Methodist Churc | 843-553-3537 | 2301 Midland Park Rd | North Charleston | SC | 29406 |
Mt Moriah Baptist Church | 843-797-2648 | 7396 Rivers Ave | North Charleston | SC | 29406 |
New Life Missionary Baptist Church | 843-554-7355 | 2070 Harley St | North Charleston | SC | 29406 |
North Charleston Church of Christ | 843-566-0001 | 5803 Robinson St | North Charleston | SC | 29406 |
Oak Grove Baptist Church | 843-744-4627 | 2149 W Oak Grove Rd | North Charleston | SC | 29406 |
Pilgrim Baptist Church | 843-554-5336 | 5371 Rivers Ave | North Charleston | SC | 29406 |
Remount Baptist Church | 843-744-6229 | 1520 Remount Rd | North Charleston | SC | 29406 |
St Paul Ame Church | 843-553-2522 | 6908 Rivers Ave | North Charleston | SC | 29406 |
Tree of Life Ministries | 843-824-8470 | 6337 Rivers Ave | North Charleston | SC | 29406 |
Westview Baptist Church | 843-572-7722 | 2705 Fernwood Dr | North Charleston | SC | 29406 |
Yeamans Park Presbyterian Ch | 843-744-2268 | 5931 Murray Dr | North Charleston | SC | 29406 |
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