Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Charleston, SC 29412
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Charleston SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Anchor Line Restaurant | 843-795-7518 | 2293 Folly Rd | Charleston | SC | 29412 |
Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar | 843-406-2810 | 1271 Folly Rd | Charleston | SC | 29412 |
Bobo's Deli & Grill | 843-795-0523 | 325 Folly Rd | Charleston | SC | 29412 |
Bowen's Island | 843-795-2757 | 1870 Bowens Island Rd | Charleston | SC | 29412 |
Brinson's Beef & Brew | 843-762-9333 | 951 Folly Rd | Charleston | SC | 29412 |
Burger King Restaurants | 843-795-7722 | 945 Folly Rd | Charleston | SC | 29412 |
Captain D's Seafood Restaurants | 843-795-3923 | 331 Folly Rd | Charleston | SC | 29412 |
Church's Fried Chicken | 843-762-3010 | 869 Folly Rd | Charleston | SC | 29412 |
Cynthia's | 843-406-4989 | 1956 Maybank Hwy | Charleston | SC | 29412 |
Davinci's | 843-406-8895 | 1739 Maybank Hwy | Charleston | SC | 29412 |
Easterby's Family Grille | 843-762-4890 | 1977 Maybank Hwy | Charleston | SC | 29412 |
Great Wall | 843-762-1726 | 1291 Folly Rd Ste K | Charleston | SC | 29412 |
Huddle House James Island | 843-762-7404 | 933 Folly Rd | Charleston | SC | 29412 |
Island Grill & Sports Bar | 843-795-0903 | 815 Folly Rd | Charleston | SC | 29412 |
Jasmine Thai Restaurant | 843-406-2978 | 807 Folly Rd | Charleston | SC | 29412 |
Kentucky Fried Chicken | 843-795-5211 | 345 Folly Rd | Charleston | SC | 29412 |
Locklears Low Country Grill | 843-762-2549 | 1970 Maybank Hwy | Charleston | SC | 29412 |
McDonald's Hamburgers | 843-795-4654 | 319 Folly Rd | Charleston | SC | 29412 |
Mimi's Creekside | 843-795-4090 | 1241 Harbor View Rd | Charleston | SC | 29412 |
Ruby Tuesday | 843-406-0777 | 771 Daniel Ellis Dr | Charleston | SC | 29412 |
Sonic Drive in of James Island | 843-406-7721 | 931 Folly Rd | Charleston | SC | 29412 |
Subway Sandwiches & Salads | 843-762-0700 | 896 Folly Rd | Charleston | SC | 29412 |
Sweetwater Cafe | 843-762-2622 | 801 Folly Rd | Charleston | SC | 29412 |
The Travelers Restaurant Inc | 843-406-1020 | 1006 Folly Rd | Charleston | SC | 29412 |
Vinh Sang | 843-795-1198 | 915 Folly Rd Ste M | Charleston | SC | 29412 |
Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers | 843-795-6540 | 343 Folly Rd | Charleston | SC | 29412 |
Workmen's Cafe | 843-406-0120 | 1837 N Grimball Rd | Charleston | SC | 29412 |
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