Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Florence, SC 29505
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Florence SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Antioch Fellowship Church | 843-629-9710 | 1405 E Howe Springs Rd | Florence | SC | 29505 |
Christian Assembly Church | 843-661-7000 | 401 Pamplico Hwy | Florence | SC | 29505 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 843-662-2967 | 1620 Malden Dr | Florence | SC | 29505 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 843-664-0597 | 600 Maynard Ave | Florence | SC | 29505 |
College Park Baptist Church | 843-669-2148 | 1501 3rd Loop Rd | Florence | SC | 29505 |
Eaddy S S Rev | 843-667-8176 | 4109 Pamplico Hwy | Florence | SC | 29505 |
Fellowship Free Will Baptist Church | 843-662-1303 | 1300 Pamplico Hwy | Florence | SC | 29505 |
First Christian Church | 843-662-6646 | 3524 S Irby St | Florence | SC | 29505 |
Florence Baptist Temple | 843-662-0453 | 2308 S Irby St | Florence | SC | 29505 |
Florence Bible Chapel The | 843-669-7193 | 1400 2nd Loop Rd | Florence | SC | 29505 |
Greenwood Baptist Church | 843-669-1321 | 2401 Claussen Rd | Florence | SC | 29505 |
Highland Park United Methodist Churc | 843-662-1233 | 1300 2nd Loop Rd | Florence | SC | 29505 |
Hillside Freewwill Baptist Church | 843-669-8313 | 2405 S Purvis Dr | Florence | SC | 29505 |
Hopewell Presbyterian Church | 843-665-1308 | 5314 Old River Rd | Florence | SC | 29505 |
John Calvin Presbyterian Ch | 843-662-8571 | 2000 Marsh Ave | Florence | SC | 29505 |
Park Willie Mae Pastor | 843-664-0355 | 5632 Diamond Head Loop | Florence | SC | 29505 |
Parkwood Presbyterian Church | 843-662-9051 | 2307 Cascade Ave | Florence | SC | 29505 |
Peace Free Will Baptist Church | 843-667-6285 | 897 3rd Loop Rd | Florence | SC | 29505 |
Pentecostal United Apostolic Churc | 843-669-3113 | 4430 Pamplico Hwy | Florence | SC | 29505 |
People United Missionary Bapt | 843-669-2818 | 1507 E Howe Springs Rd | Florence | SC | 29505 |
Salem United Methodist Church | 843-669-0970 | 5814 Old River Rd | Florence | SC | 29505 |
South Carolina Free Will Baptist St | 843-662-5010 | 1705 S Irby St | Florence | SC | 29505 |
South Florence Baptist Church | 843-669-3711 | 2720 S Irby St | Florence | SC | 29505 |
Southside Baptist Church | 843-662-6065 | 307 Richbourg Ln | Florence | SC | 29505 |
Tans Bay Baptist Church | 843-667-0520 | 3919 S Irby St | Florence | SC | 29505 |
Unity Baptist Church | 843-667-1222 | 2990 Pamplico Hwy | Florence | SC | 29505 |
Wesley United Methodist Church | 843-665-8003 | 107 E Howe Springs Rd | Florence | SC | 29505 |
Willow Creek Baptist Church | 843-493-0042 | 3089 N Old River Rd | Florence | SC | 29505 |
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