Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Florence, SC 29506
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Florence SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Ambassadors for Christ Worship Assembl | 843-292-1090 | 1113 Oakland Ave | Florence | SC | 29506 |
Baptist Campus Ministry | 843-665-1958 | 290 S Evander Dr | Florence | SC | 29506 |
Blount W M Rev | 843-669-1733 | 3015 Saint Beulah Rd | Florence | SC | 29506 |
Bower's Chapel United Methodist Churc | 843-669-0133 | 5960 E Old Marion Hwy | Florence | SC | 29506 |
Christ Episcopal Church | 843-669-9905 | 2305 N Williston Rd | Florence | SC | 29506 |
Christ Hands of Mercy Apostolic Churc | 843-669-9003 | 728 N Brunson St | Florence | SC | 29506 |
Cooks Mary Pastor | 843-317-6607 | 409 Paper Mill Rd | Florence | SC | 29506 |
Cumberland United Methodist Churc | 843-662-5004 | 408 S Kemp St | Florence | SC | 29506 |
Eastside Christian Church | 843-669-1945 | 3541 E Palmetto St | Florence | SC | 29506 |
Faith Baptist Church | 843-669-3831 | 706 Stackley St | Florence | SC | 29506 |
Friendship United Methodist Churc | 843-662-0187 | 5422 E Old Marion Hwy | Florence | SC | 29506 |
Full Gospel Church of Jesus Christ | 843-662-4458 | 1106 S Christopher Ln | Florence | SC | 29506 |
Grace N Truth Holyness Church | 843-661-7175 | 1203 Sopkin Ave | Florence | SC | 29506 |
Grace Tabernacle | 843-678-8553 | 3735 E King George Dr | Florence | SC | 29506 |
Greater Gethsemane Apostolic Churc | 843-669-3634 | 1532 E Old Marion Hwy | Florence | SC | 29506 |
Greater Zion Tabernacle Apostolic Churc | 843-669-2581 | 265 S Church St | Florence | SC | 29506 |
Highway Christian Church of Chris | 843-678-8861 | 637 S Gaillard St | Florence | SC | 29506 |
Judea Apostolic Church | 843-679-3118 | 2437 Judea Ln | Florence | SC | 29506 |
Liberty Chapel U M C | 843-661-5463 | 7432 E National Cemetery Rd | Florence | SC | 29506 |
Lighthouse Ministries | 843-629-0830 | 201 E Elm St | Florence | SC | 29506 |
Maxwell Baptist Church | 843-662-5211 | 1309 Malloy St | Florence | SC | 29506 |
McAllister Julius H Rev | 843-662-2316 | 1305 E Cheves St | Florence | SC | 29506 |
McKenney John Rev | 843-669-5492 | 602 Jefferson St | Florence | SC | 29506 |
Monumental Baptist Church | 843-665-9450 | 607 Magnolia St | Florence | SC | 29506 |
Mount Pisgah Baptist Church | 843-662-1845 | 4211 E Old Marion Hwy | Florence | SC | 29506 |
Mt Sinai Holiness Church | 843-667-4778 | 102 E Liberty St | Florence | SC | 29506 |
Mt Zion United Methodist Churc | 843-667-0050 | 5040 Liberty Chapel Rd | Florence | SC | 29506 |
New Ebenezer Baptist Church | 843-669-3861 | 307 S Ravenel St | Florence | SC | 29506 |
New Gace Temple Church The | 843-665-9738 | 644 S Jeffords St | Florence | SC | 29506 |
Quinby Baptist Church | 843-662-7509 | 950 E Ashby Rd | Florence | SC | 29506 |
Quinby United Methodist Church | 843-665-9101 | 1247 E Ashby Rd | Florence | SC | 29506 |
St John Progressive Church of Jesus | 843-669-9134 | 1616 Carter Corner Rd | Florence | SC | 29506 |
St Matthews Southern Church of Jesus | 843-662-3955 | 816 Pawley St | Florence | SC | 29506 |
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