Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Johnsonville, SC 29555
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Johnsonville SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethleham Ame Church | 843-558-0405 | 1496 Muddy Creek Rd | Johnsonville | SC | 29555 |
Community Free Will Baptist Church | 843-386-2587 | 644 S Pine St | Johnsonville | SC | 29555 |
Johnsonville Circuit United Methodis | 843-386-2943 | 352 E Broadway St | Johnsonville | SC | 29555 |
Johnsonville First Baptist Church | 843-386-2580 | 214 N Georgetown Hwy | Johnsonville | SC | 29555 |
Johnsonville United Methodist Churc | 843-386-3903 | Highway 41 N | Johnsonville | SC | 29555 |
Johnsonville United Methodist Churc | 843-386-2165 | 240 S Georgetown Hwy | Johnsonville | SC | 29555 |
Kingsburg Baptist Church | 843-386-3052 | 1740 Old River Rd | Johnsonville | SC | 29555 |
Little Bethel Church | 843-386-3071 | 487 S Fire Station Rd | Johnsonville | SC | 29555 |
Mill Branch Freewill Baptist Church | 843-493-3939 | 224 Evans Rd | Johnsonville | SC | 29555 |
Nazareth Ame Church | 843-386-2357 | 130 Stuckey St | Johnsonville | SC | 29555 |
New Hope Free Will Baptist Church | 843-386-3485 | 719 N New Hope Rd | Johnsonville | SC | 29555 |
New Hope Free Will Baptist Church | 843-386-3726 | RR 121 | Johnsonville | SC | 29555 |
Old Johnsonville United Methodist Churc | 843-386-3655 | 865 S Georgetown Hwy | Johnsonville | SC | 29555 |
Prospect Holiness Church Parsonag | 843-386-3743 | 733 Arlington Dr | Johnsonville | SC | 29555 |
Prospect Independent Methodist Churc | 843-386-3598 | 2175 Lake City Hwy | Johnsonville | SC | 29555 |
Prospect Independent Methodist Churc | 843-386-3777 | RR 150 | Johnsonville | SC | 29555 |
Refuge Outreach Ministries Chur | 843-493-1499 | 981 Chinaberry Rd | Johnsonville | SC | 29555 |
St Luke Ame Church | 843-493-2100 | 539 Chinaberry Rd | Johnsonville | SC | 29555 |
St Mark Ame Church | 843-386-2659 | 1532 Kingsburg Hwy | Johnsonville | SC | 29555 |
St Paul Ame Church | 843-386-6137 | 3107 Bert Hanna Rd | Johnsonville | SC | 29555 |
Unity Freewill Baptist | 843-386-9096 | Highway 341 | Johnsonville | SC | 29555 |
Unity Freewill Baptist | 843-386-6128 | 1907 Lake City Hwy | Johnsonville | SC | 29555 |
Vox Methodist Church | 843-386-2815 | 1951 Vox Hwy | Johnsonville | SC | 29555 |
West Side Free Will Baptist Church | 843-386-2591 | 534 Vox Hwy | Johnsonville | SC | 29555 |
White Chapel Holiness | 843-386-2042 | 419 Diamond Branch Rd | Johnsonville | SC | 29555 |
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