Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Lake City, SC 29560
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Lake City SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Calvary Baptist Church | 843-394-8808 | 320 Carlyle St | Lake City | SC | 29560 |
Camp Branch Church of God of Prophecy | 843-389-4246 | 1104 Jordan Rd | Lake City | SC | 29560 |
Coward Church of God | 843-389-3914 | 1840 Beard Rd | Lake City | SC | 29560 |
Floyd's Chapel | 843-389-0484 | 1701 New Zion Rd | Lake City | SC | 29560 |
Great Commission Ministries | 843-389-0998 | 3503 W Turbeville Hwy | Lake City | SC | 29560 |
Greater St Stephen Baptist Church | 843-394-7606 | 605 Saint Stephen Ln | Lake City | SC | 29560 |
Lake City Church of Christ | 843-394-5826 | 121 W Cole Rd | Lake City | SC | 29560 |
Lake City First Baptist Church | 843-374-8521 | 135 S Church St | Lake City | SC | 29560 |
Matthews Tabernacle Ph Church | 843-389-2197 | 1249 N Matthews Rd | Lake City | SC | 29560 |
Mt Beulah United Methodist Churc | 843-389-3214 | 1067 Beulah Rd | Lake City | SC | 29560 |
Mt Claire Baptist Church | 843-374-3293 | 1009 E Main St | Lake City | SC | 29560 |
Mt Seal Baptist Church | 843-394-1347 | 333 Peachtree St | Lake City | SC | 29560 |
Paran Baptist Church | 843-389-6257 | 1603 Johnsonville Hwy | Lake City | SC | 29560 |
Prospect Holiness Church | 843-386-3600 | 211 N Half Moon Rd | Lake City | SC | 29560 |
St Ann's Catholic Church | 843-394-8343 | 330 E Main St | Lake City | SC | 29560 |
St John Baptist Church | 843-389-3951 | 2440 Roper Woods Rd | Lake City | SC | 29560 |
St John Um Church | 843-389-7349 | 1653 Green Rd | Lake City | SC | 29560 |
St Luke United Meth Church | 843-389-4734 | 705 Moore Rd | Lake City | SC | 29560 |
St Mathews Holiness Church | 843-394-0981 | 255 Parker St | Lake City | SC | 29560 |
Tabernacle Apostolic Church | 843-956-0008 | 405 S Ron McNair Blvd | Lake City | SC | 29560 |
The House of God #1 | 843-382-5488 | 3133 White Oak Rd | Lake City | SC | 29560 |
Wesley United Methodist Church | 843-394-8458 | 112 Deep River St | Lake City | SC | 29560 |
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