Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Florence, SC 29501
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Florence SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Durant Children's Center | 843-774-0898 | 226 S Irby St | Florence | SC | 29501 |
Eastern Carolina Community Devel | 843-665-4747 | 474 W Cheves St | Florence | SC | 29501 |
Fatherhood and Family Engagement Prog | 843-679-5350 | 270 S Coit St | Florence | SC | 29501 |
House of Hope | 843-667-9000 | 1020 W Darlington St | Florence | SC | 29501 |
Junior League of Florence Inc | 843-667-0376 | 1502 W Palmetto St | Florence | SC | 29501 |
Pee Dee Coalition Against Domesti | 843-669-4600 | 220 S Irby St | Florence | SC | 29501 |
Salvation Army The | 843-662-4461 | 2210 Hoffmeyer Rd | Florence | SC | 29501 |
Salvation Army The | 843-664-9222 | 1609 W Palmetto St | Florence | SC | 29501 |
South Carolina Youth Advocate Progra | 843-661-7080 | 604 Gregg Ave | Florence | SC | 29501 |
United Way of Florence County | 843-662-2407 | 1621 W Palmetto St | Florence | SC | 29501 |
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