Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Greenville, SC 29605
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Greenville SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Allen Memorial Baptist Church | 864-299-0861 | 101 Edgefield Rd | Greenville | SC | 29605 |
Augusta Heights Baptist Church | 864-299-1180 | 3018 Augusta St | Greenville | SC | 29605 |
Augusta Road Baptist Church | 864-232-2712 | 1823 Augusta St | Greenville | SC | 29605 |
Childrens Gospel Club | 864-233-4086 | 120 Cureton St | Greenville | SC | 29605 |
Church of Christ | 864-277-5717 | 5315 Old Augusta Rd | Greenville | SC | 29605 |
Church of Christ | 864-277-8962 | 1 Plantation Rd | Greenville | SC | 29605 |
Church of Christ Edgewood | 864-235-5661 | 200 Edgewood Dr | Greenville | SC | 29605 |
Church of the Redeemer | 864-277-4562 | 120 Mauldin Rd | Greenville | SC | 29605 |
Curry Eugene L Rev | 864-233-8114 | 2703 Augusta St | Greenville | SC | 29605 |
Dunean Baptist Church | 864-233-7457 | 21 Allen St | Greenville | SC | 29605 |
Dunean United Methodist Church | 864-271-3335 | 31 Stevens St | Greenville | SC | 29605 |
Emmanuel Baptist Church | 864-235-1407 | 14 Deering St | Greenville | SC | 29605 |
Everlasting Convenant Church | 864-233-1015 | 34 Stevens St | Greenville | SC | 29605 |
First Free Will Baptist | 864-233-1110 | 241 Old Grove Rd | Greenville | SC | 29605 |
Forest Hills Baptist Church | 864-277-2203 | 105 Crestfield Rd | Greenville | SC | 29605 |
Gospel Baptist Church | 864-277-3021 | 103 N Old Fork Shoals Rd | Greenville | SC | 29605 |
Greenville Church of Christ | 864-235-1699 | 400 High Valley Blvd | Greenville | SC | 29605 |
Grove Rd Baptist Church | 864-233-5501 | 1223 Grove Rd | Greenville | SC | 29605 |
Jamison Larry Pastor | 864-239-0104 | 3 Guess St | Greenville | SC | 29605 |
Long Branch Baptist Church | 864-235-6205 | 28 Bolt St | Greenville | SC | 29605 |
Miles Robert I Rev | 864-232-8510 | 2617 Augusta St | Greenville | SC | 29605 |
Mission Full Gospel Church | 864-242-8855 | 102 Mission St | Greenville | SC | 29605 |
Mt Pleasant Baptist Church | 864-277-0462 | 505 White Horse Rd | Greenville | SC | 29605 |
New Covenant Life Center | 864-277-4550 | 4 Randolph St | Greenville | SC | 29605 |
Open Heart Baptist Church | 864-232-6727 | 205 Stafford St | Greenville | SC | 29605 |
Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Church | 864-422-1648 | 3710 Augusta Rd | Greenville | SC | 29605 |
Paramount Park Baptist Church | 864-467-9669 | 705 Augusta St | Greenville | SC | 29605 |
Piedmont Manor Baptist Church | 864-277-8993 | 23 Sherman Ln | Greenville | SC | 29605 |
Reedy Fork Baptist Church | 864-277-4617 | 459 Reedy Fork Rd | Greenville | SC | 29605 |
Resurrected Treasure Outreach | 864-422-0812 | 906 White Horse Rd | Greenville | SC | 29605 |
Rock Church of Greenville | 864-299-6229 | 1127 White Horse Rd | Greenville | SC | 29605 |
Rock of Ages Baptist | 864-277-1588 | 7 Branch St | Greenville | SC | 29605 |
Rock of Ages Baptist Church | 864-277-5151 | 105 Donaldson Rd | Greenville | SC | 29605 |
Shady Oak Baptist Church | 864-277-6060 | 1101 White Horse Rd | Greenville | SC | 29605 |
Shady Oak Baptist Church Pastor's | 864-277-6082 | 1111 White Horse Rd | Greenville | SC | 29605 |
St John United Methodist Churc | 864-277-2105 | 10 Pine Creek Dr | Greenville | SC | 29605 |
St Michael Lutheran Church | 864-232-8419 | 2619 Augusta St | Greenville | SC | 29605 |
Trinity United Methodist Churc | 864-235-8492 | 2723 Augusta St | Greenville | SC | 29605 |
Union Baptist Church | 864-277-6514 | 50 Union Church Rd | Greenville | SC | 29605 |
Upper Room Outreach Ministry The | 864-299-6778 | 202 Donaldson Rd | Greenville | SC | 29605 |
Victory Chapel Baptist Church | 864-299-3970 | 10 S Pine Lake Cir | Greenville | SC | 29605 |
West Gantt First Baptist Church | 864-277-8335 | 1452 White Horse Rd | Greenville | SC | 29605 |
Westminster Presbyterian Ch | 864-232-2424 | 2310 Augusta St | Greenville | SC | 29605 |
Word of Faith Christian Fellowship Chur | 864-370-9125 | 218 Tremont Ave | Greenville | SC | 29605 |
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