Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Greenville, SC 29607
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Greenville SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
American Baptist Theological Sem | 864-271-7575 | 107 Fleming St | Greenville | SC | 29607 |
Anchorage The | 864-297-5308 | 18 Aldridge Dr | Greenville | SC | 29607 |
Ark Special Needs Ministry The | 864-232-0800 | 106 Dupont Dr | Greenville | SC | 29607 |
Baha'l Faith | 864-232-5290 | 132 Greenacre Rd | Greenville | SC | 29607 |
Chinese Mission | 864-288-1711 | 2331 Laurens Rd | Greenville | SC | 29607 |
East Park Baptist Church | 864-235-3576 | 10 Ebaugh Ave | Greenville | SC | 29607 |
Eastlan Baptist Church | 864-288-5420 | 625 S Pleasantburg Dr | Greenville | SC | 29607 |
Fair Heights Baptist Church | 864-235-7024 | 302 Parkins Mill Rd | Greenville | SC | 29607 |
Fairforest Baptist Church | 864-288-8431 | 400 Dallas Rd | Greenville | SC | 29607 |
Francis Asbury United Methodist Churc | 864-235-9622 | 1800 E North St | Greenville | SC | 29607 |
Grace Christian Church | 864-235-9386 | 121 Prescott St | Greenville | SC | 29607 |
Grace Community Bible Church | 864-277-3399 | 284 Lakewood Dr | Greenville | SC | 29607 |
Hope Baptist Church | 864-242-3540 | 101 Rebecca St | Greenville | SC | 29607 |
Hope Presbyterian Church | 864-232-1486 | 20 Sharon Dr | Greenville | SC | 29607 |
Laurel Creek United Methodist Churc | 864-297-8463 | 3598 Laurens Rd | Greenville | SC | 29607 |
Laurens Rd Methodist Church | 864-235-0674 | 13 Webster Rd | Greenville | SC | 29607 |
Lowndes Hill Baptist Church | 864-235-7188 | 1516 Lowndes Hill Rd | Greenville | SC | 29607 |
Mount Emanuel Baptist Church | 864-232-5152 | 316 Spartanburg St | Greenville | SC | 29607 |
Mt Hebron Baptist Church | 864-242-6907 | 216 Rebecca St | Greenville | SC | 29607 |
New Beginnings United Methodist Churc | 864-235-6477 | 100 Bethel St | Greenville | SC | 29607 |
Nicholtown Baptist Church | 864-233-1932 | 327 Ackley Rd | Greenville | SC | 29607 |
Nicholtown Presbyterian Church | 864-232-9975 | 201 Carter St | Greenville | SC | 29607 |
Overbrook Baptist Church | 864-232-0639 | 106 Prescott St | Greenville | SC | 29607 |
Queen Street Baptist Church | 864-232-3200 | 6 Baywood Ave | Greenville | SC | 29607 |
Queen Street Baptist Church Annex | 864-232-3272 | 1 Fleming St | Greenville | SC | 29607 |
Reedy River Baptist Church | 864-277-0364 | 1012 Mauldin Rd | Greenville | SC | 29607 |
Reedy River Missionary Baptist Church | 864-277-5106 | 25 Lakewood Dr | Greenville | SC | 29607 |
Rocky Creek Baptist Church | 864-288-1323 | 1801 Woodruff Rd | Greenville | SC | 29607 |
Second Calvary Missionary Bapt | 864-232-3608 | 143 Glenn Rd | Greenville | SC | 29607 |
White Oaks Baptist Church | 864-297-4425 | 30 Fairforest Way | Greenville | SC | 29607 |
Woodruff Road Christian Church | 864-288-1543 | 20 Bell Rd | Greenville | SC | 29607 |
Young Laymen C M E Church | 864-233-6714 | 15 Sumlar Dr | Greenville | SC | 29607 |
Zion Hill Baptist Church | 864-271-4960 | 219 Glenn Rd | Greenville | SC | 29607 |
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