Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Greenville, SC 29615
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Greenville SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Aldersgate Child Development Cen | 864-268-5028 | 7 Shannon Dr | Greenville | SC | 29615 |
Aldersgate United Methodist Churc | 864-244-3474 | 814 Edwards Rd | Greenville | SC | 29615 |
Barrett Terry J Pastor | 864-297-0382 | 185 Riley Smith Dr | Greenville | SC | 29615 |
Christ the King Lutheran Church | 864-234-5647 | 1925 Pelham Rd | Greenville | SC | 29615 |
Christian & Missionary Alliance Church | 864-288-6638 | 2702 Pelham Rd | Greenville | SC | 29615 |
Cornerstone Baptist Church | 864-675-9776 | 8508 Pelham Rd | Greenville | SC | 29615 |
Cornerstone Church | 864-292-3022 | 2701 Wade Hampton Blvd | Greenville | SC | 29615 |
East North Street Baptist Church | 864-244-4535 | 4108 E North St | Greenville | SC | 29615 |
Edgewood Baptist Church | 864-288-6922 | 107 Meadow Wood Dr | Greenville | SC | 29615 |
Edwards Grace P Lisw | 864-244-1385 | 2511 Wade Hampton Blvd | Greenville | SC | 29615 |
Edwards Road Baptist Church | 864-244-2975 | 1050 Edwards Rd | Greenville | SC | 29615 |
Faith Free Presbyterian Church | 864-244-2408 | 1207 Haywood Rd | Greenville | SC | 29615 |
Grace Church | 864-284-0122 | 2801 Pelham Rd | Greenville | SC | 29615 |
John Knox Presbyterian Church | 864-244-0453 | 35 Shannon Dr | Greenville | SC | 29615 |
Lutheran Church of Our Saviour | 864-244-2836 | 2600 Wade Hampton Blvd | Greenville | SC | 29615 |
McCarter Presbyterian Church | 864-271-0860 | 2 Pelham Rd | Greenville | SC | 29615 |
Mitchell Road Christian Academy | 864-268-2210 | 207 Mitchell Rd | Greenville | SC | 29615 |
Morningside Baptist Church | 864-297-7890 | 1115 Pelham Rd | Greenville | SC | 29615 |
Mt Zion Christian Fellowship | 864-297-0105 | 725 Garlington Rd | Greenville | SC | 29615 |
New Life Academy & Child Developme | 864-288-2978 | 212 Roper Mountain Road | Greenville | SC | 29615 |
Pelham Road Baptist Church | 864-288-3283 | 1108 Pelham Rd | Greenville | SC | 29615 |
Refreshing Spring Church Internat | 864-987-0515 | 425 Feaster Rd | Greenville | SC | 29615 |
Roper Mountain Baptist Church | 864-288-1911 | 300 Roper Mountain Road | Greenville | SC | 29615 |
Shannon Forest Presbyterian Ch | 864-678-5100 | 830 Garlington Rd | Greenville | SC | 29615 |
St Francis Episcopal Church | 864-244-4510 | 506 Edwards Rd | Greenville | SC | 29615 |
St Giles Presbyterian Church | 864-244-4887 | 1021 Hudson Rd | Greenville | SC | 29615 |
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