Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Greenville, SC 29609
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Greenville SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bohemian Cafe and Restaurant | 864-233-0006 | 2 W Stone Ave | Greenville | SC | 29609 |
Carolina Drive in Restaurant | 864-233-6540 | 1312 Buncombe Rd | Greenville | SC | 29609 |
Cateran's Buffet Restaurant | 864-271-6233 | 1419 Wade Hampton Blvd | Greenville | SC | 29609 |
Checkers Drive in Restaurant | 864-233-6293 | 1611 Poinsett Hwy | Greenville | SC | 29609 |
Chick Fil A at Cherrydale Poin | 864-233-9700 | 1544 Poinsett Hwy | Greenville | SC | 29609 |
Church's Fried Chicken Inc | 864-232-6178 | 410 Poinsett Hwy | Greenville | SC | 29609 |
Country Ham House | 864-242-6099 | 214 Rutherford St | Greenville | SC | 29609 |
Dixie Family Restaurant | 864-232-9806 | 616 Poinsett Hwy | Greenville | SC | 29609 |
Duke Sandwich Commpany | 864-232-4640 | 1001 Poinsett Hwy | Greenville | SC | 29609 |
Flat Rock Grille | 864-235-6533 | 3201 N Pleasantburg Dr | Greenville | SC | 29609 |
Gumbys Food & Spirits | 864-242-5922 | 728 Wade Hampton Blvd | Greenville | SC | 29609 |
Gypsy G's Roadhouse | 864-235-4700 | 520 Rutherford Rd | Greenville | SC | 29609 |
Hale's Cafe | 864-235-3343 | 200 Hammett St | Greenville | SC | 29609 |
Hardee's Restaurant | 864-370-2432 | 201 Rutherford St | Greenville | SC | 29609 |
Huddle House Restaurant | 864-232-9398 | 2907 N Pleasantburg Dr | Greenville | SC | 29609 |
Jack in the Box | 864-467-0540 | 1490 Poinsett Hwy | Greenville | SC | 29609 |
Karrie's Kafe | 864-235-3033 | 1003 Poinsett Hwy | Greenville | SC | 29609 |
Maurice's Cafe | 864-268-5857 | 1354 Rutherford Rd | Greenville | SC | 29609 |
Mike & Jeff's Bbq Diner | 864-271-5225 | 2401 Old Buncombe Rd | Greenville | SC | 29609 |
Monterrey Mexican Restaurant | 864-271-3625 | 2801 Poinsett Hwy | Greenville | SC | 29609 |
Patrick's Restaurant | 864-235-2615 | 3111 N Pleasantburg Dr | Greenville | SC | 29609 |
Peddler Steak House | 864-235-7192 | 2000 Poinsett Hwy | Greenville | SC | 29609 |
Pete's on Poinsett | 864-242-0289 | 2658 Poinsett Hwy | Greenville | SC | 29609 |
Petee's Refrshmnt Stnd | 864-233-2363 | 701 Wade Hampton Blvd | Greenville | SC | 29609 |
Rutherford Station | 864-292-8189 | 1702 Rutherford Rd | Greenville | SC | 29609 |
Subway on Poinsett Highway | 864-232-5999 | 1529 Poinsett Hwy | Greenville | SC | 29609 |
Super King Buffet | 864-370-1889 | 113 State Park Rd | Greenville | SC | 29609 |
The Greek Grille | 864-232-4033 | 3235 N Pleasantburg Dr | Greenville | SC | 29609 |
The Orient Asian Buffet | 864-271-8182 | 3229 N Pleasantburg Dr | Greenville | SC | 29609 |
Upstate Krystal #779 | 864-298-0032 | 2903 N Pleasantburg Dr | Greenville | SC | 29609 |
Wally Dog | 864-421-9391 | 1807 Poinsett Hwy | Greenville | SC | 29609 |
Wendy's Old Fashioned | 864-467-1911 | 2 State Park Rd | Greenville | SC | 29609 |
Zaxby's | 864-421-0101 | 1511 Poinsett Hwy | Greenville | SC | 29609 |
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