Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Greenville, SC 29611
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Greenville SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bill's Restaurant | 864-246-9170 | 6245 White Horse Rd | Greenville | SC | 29611 |
Burger King | 864-246-7964 | 6515 White Horse Rd | Greenville | SC | 29611 |
Chat & Cafecom | 864-295-8880 | 6119 White Horse Rd | Greenville | SC | 29611 |
Clock Big of Berea | 864-246-5710 | 7000 White Horse Rd | Greenville | SC | 29611 |
Clock Drive-In No 5 | 864-295-1708 | 1801 Easley Bridge Rd | Greenville | SC | 29611 |
Clock Jimmy & Pete's Restaurant | 864-269-4515 | 1803 Easley Bridge Rd | Greenville | SC | 29611 |
Daytona Neighborhood Grille & Bar | 864-295-5800 | 3505 W Blue Ridge Dr | Greenville | SC | 29611 |
Hardee's Restaurant | 864-269-2754 | 3023 White Horse Rd | Greenville | SC | 29611 |
Hong Kong Restaurant | 864-220-7171 | 3512 Highway 153 | Greenville | SC | 29611 |
Huddle House Restaurant | 864-220-7030 | 6133 White Horse Rd | Greenville | SC | 29611 |
Jack in the Box | 864-269-6744 | 6175 White Horse Rd | Greenville | SC | 29611 |
Jim's Restaurant | 864-295-0998 | 2614 Anderson Rd | Greenville | SC | 29611 |
K & S Restaurant | 864-269-3282 | 3107 White Horse Rd | Greenville | SC | 29611 |
Korner Kitchen | 864-269-1984 | 1000 Easley Bridge Rd | Greenville | SC | 29611 |
La Parrilla | 864-295-8748 | 3015 White Horse Rd | Greenville | SC | 29611 |
Long John Silver's Seafood Shoppe | 864-295-2699 | 6104 White Horse Rd | Greenville | SC | 29611 |
M'lamroc's | 864-235-0050 | 1010 W Bramlett Rd | Greenville | SC | 29611 |
Mackey D's | 864-220-1036 | 3000 Old Easley Bridge Rd | Greenville | SC | 29611 |
Nazario's Mexican Restaurant | 864-269-5446 | 400 Saluda Dam Rd | Greenville | SC | 29611 |
Original Clock Drive-In | 864-269-7661 | 2921 White Horse Rd | Greenville | SC | 29611 |
Ryan's Family Steak House | 864-269-3711 | 6124 White Horse Rd | Greenville | SC | 29611 |
Salt and Pepper Diner | 864-269-2621 | 66 Jones St | Greenville | SC | 29611 |
Silver Bay Seafood Restaurant | 864-294-0701 | 6513 White Horse Rd | Greenville | SC | 29611 |
Sonic Drive in | 864-220-3064 | 6109 White Horse Rd | Greenville | SC | 29611 |
Subway | 864-220-5662 | 3501 W Blue Ridge Dr | Greenville | SC | 29611 |
Subway | 864-220-6567 | 3104 White Horse Rd | Greenville | SC | 29611 |
Taco Bell | 864-220-0648 | 3409 W Blue Ridge Dr | Greenville | SC | 29611 |
Tuckers Soda Shop | 864-370-7222 | 54 Lois Ave | Greenville | SC | 29611 |
Zaxby's Restaurant | 864-295-2250 | 3532 Highway 153 | Greenville | SC | 29611 |
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