Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Myrtle Beach, SC 29588
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Myrtle Beach SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Beacon Baptist Church | 843-236-3281 | 7921 Highway 544 | Myrtle Beach | SC | 29588 |
Bride of Christ Church | 843-236-6831 | 7311 Highway 544 | Myrtle Beach | SC | 29588 |
Calvary Christian School | 843-650-2829 | 4511 Dick Pond Rd | Myrtle Beach | SC | 29588 |
Church of God Socastee | 843-347-6414 | 4475 Mill Pond Rd | Myrtle Beach | SC | 29588 |
Coastal Worship Center | 843-236-7729 | 6294 Highway 544 | Myrtle Beach | SC | 29588 |
First Apostolic Church of | 843-236-1101 | 2061 Forestbrook Rd | Myrtle Beach | SC | 29588 |
Holy Lamb Child Development Cen | 843-236-1344 | 2541 Forestbrook Rd | Myrtle Beach | SC | 29588 |
Jehovah's Witness Kingdom Hall | 843-650-5502 | 3024 Holmestown Rd | Myrtle Beach | SC | 29588 |
Learning Center The | 843-650-2338 | 5575 Dick Pond Rd | Myrtle Beach | SC | 29588 |
Salem Missionary Baptist Church | 843-650-0031 | 11112 Freewoods Rd | Myrtle Beach | SC | 29588 |
St James United Methodist Churc | 843-650-6166 | 9705 Saint James Rd | Myrtle Beach | SC | 29588 |
Surfside Presbyterian Church | 843-650-2020 | 8732 Highway 17 Byp S | Myrtle Beach | SC | 29588 |
Timberlake Baptist Church | 843-650-9509 | 9850 Highway 707 | Myrtle Beach | SC | 29588 |
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