Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Batesburg, SC 29006
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Batesburg SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Chinquapain Baptist Church | 803-532-2529 | Highway 109 | Batesburg | SC | 29006 |
Clyde's Chapel Southern Methodist Churc | 803-532-0447 | 2001 Spann Rd | Batesburg | SC | 29006 |
East Side Baptist Church | 803-532-6659 | E Church St | Batesburg | SC | 29006 |
Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church | 803-532-4273 | 113 N Oak St | Batesburg | SC | 29006 |
First Baptist Church of Batesburg | 803-532-3896 | 436 W Church St | Batesburg | SC | 29006 |
Grace Community Church | 803-532-9913 | 6614 Highway 1 | Batesburg | SC | 29006 |
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witne | 803-532-1933 | 4351 Highway 23 | Batesburg | SC | 29006 |
Mount Ebal Baptist Church | 803-532-2383 | 5 Lion Loop | Batesburg | SC | 29006 |
Mount Zion Baptist Church | 803-532-5600 | 258 Line St | Batesburg | SC | 29006 |
Olive Branch Baptist Church | 803-532-3859 | 122 S Oak St | Batesburg | SC | 29006 |
Poplar Branch Baptist Church | 864-445-9269 | 248 Poplar Springs Rd | Batesburg | SC | 29006 |
Ridge Branch Baptist Church | 803-532-6944 | 601 Church Rd | Batesburg | SC | 29006 |
Shady Grove Baptist Church | 803-532-2555 | 140 Shady Grove Rd | Batesburg | SC | 29006 |
St John's United Methodist Churc | 803-532-6968 | 513 W Church St | Batesburg | SC | 29006 |
St Peters Lutheran Church | 803-604-0016 | 7389 Fairview Rd | Batesburg | SC | 29006 |
Twin City Church of Christ | 803-532-4844 | 210 Highland Ave | Batesburg | SC | 29006 |
Wesley Chapel Cme Church | 803-532-6919 | 1501 Double Bridges Rd | Batesburg | SC | 29006 |
West Creek Baptist Church | 803-532-3160 | 248 Church Rd | Batesburg | SC | 29006 |
Worship Fellowship Cog | 803-532-1926 | 406 Howard St | Batesburg | SC | 29006 |
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