Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Cayce, SC 29033
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Cayce SC should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abundant Life Outreach Ministries | 803-791-3214 | 1619 Middleton St | Cayce | SC | 29033 |
Broadacres Baptist Church | 803-794-7762 | 2350 Taylor Rd | Cayce | SC | 29033 |
Cayce United Methodist Church | 803-794-3200 | 1600 12th St | Cayce | SC | 29033 |
Congaree Presbyterian Church | 803-794-1131 | 1221 Lafayette Ave | Cayce | SC | 29033 |
Davis Donald P Rev | 803-791-0440 | 2003 Charleston Hwy | Cayce | SC | 29033 |
Edwards Memorial Associate Refor | 803-794-0145 | 1600 Summerland Dr | Cayce | SC | 29033 |
First Baptist Church of Cayce | 803-796-6028 | 600 Holland Ave | Cayce | SC | 29033 |
Gantt Street Baptist Church | 803-794-6280 | 2121 Gantt St | Cayce | SC | 29033 |
Gateway Christian Fellowship | 803-791-0739 | 1800 Airport Blvd | Cayce | SC | 29033 |
Holland Avenue Baptist Church | 803-794-9133 | 801 12th St | Cayce | SC | 29033 |
Mission of Hope Ministries | 803-939-1747 | 1900 Frink St | Cayce | SC | 29033 |
Mt Pleasant Baptist Church | 803-791-8205 | 1804 Wilkinson St | Cayce | SC | 29033 |
New Life Baptist Church | 803-796-7606 | 2316 Julius Felder St | Cayce | SC | 29033 |
Revealed Word Ministries | 803-739-6654 | 1142 Walter Price St | Cayce | SC | 29033 |
State Street Baptist Church | 803-796-6123 | 1420 State St | Cayce | SC | 29033 |
Temple of God Ame Zion Church | 803-939-7010 | 2226 Julius Felder St | Cayce | SC | 29033 |
Transfiguration Lutheran Church | 803-794-3312 | 1301 12th St | Cayce | SC | 29033 |
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